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California Retailers Annual Convention
J. E. Frazer, Secretary oi the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, announces that arrangements for the Annual Convention tb be held at the Senator Hotel. Sacramento, on Thursday, Friday and Saturclay, Oct. 2l-22-23 are nearing completion and that an excellent program will be presented at the Convention. Among the many subjects that will be discussed are "Credits and Collections", "Grade Marking of Lumber," "Certification of Grades of Lumber by Retailers", "Local Association Management". "Salesmanship", "Ethical Relations between Wholesalers, Millmen and Retailers" and "Economic Lumber lJtilization."
The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club are making the arrangements for the Convention, and at their monthly meeting at Sacramento on September 18. C. D. Pinkerton, Presiclent of the California Retailer's Association, and J. E. Fraser were present for a conference.
Adolph Pfund, Secretary of the National Retail Lumbermen's Association, Chicago, will attend the Convention and E. D. Kingsley, West Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton, Oregon and A. L. Landrum, St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, Washington, rvill address the Convention on important subjects pertaining to the lumber industry.
A complete program of the Convention will appear i' the October 15 issue of the "California Lumber Merchant".
The Pickering Lurnber Co. have purchased all the timber holdings of Robert E. Whiteside of Duluth, Minnesota, lying south of the Stanislaus River, Tuolumne County, California. The tract consists of between 11.000 and 12.000 acfes.
Bill Hamilton, Los Angeles, Lloyd llarris, San Francisco, and Harvey Isenhower, Sacramento, representatives of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., were recent visitors at the company's San Francisco office where they conferred with salesmanager Fred Holmes. After a short conference at San Francisco, they left for Eureka where they spent three days at the mill. One of the features of the meeting at the mill was a Grading Contest in which the salesmen and employees of the shipping department participated, which proved very interesting and instructive. At the mill there was also a conference between the salesmen and members of the shipping department, the purpose being to secure better service and co-operation for their customers.
Mildred Allen Weds George Harold Swift
Announcement has been made of the recent marriage of Miss Mildred Allen of Sacramento to George Harold Swift of Oakland. Miss Allen is a popular member of the younger set in the Capital City while Mr. Swift is a prominent East Bay lumbermen and manager of the Swift yard at Oakland. They spent their honeymoon in the Northwest and on their return will make their home in Oakland where Mr. Swift has just completed the construction of a new home.
L. St. Clair, Central Coal & Coke Co., Kansas City, was a recent visitor in San Francisco where he spent a few days on business. While in the Bay District, he conferred with A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., who represents the Central Coal and Coke interests in Califorhia. Mr. St. Clair was returning to Kansas City from a. visit to the company's Portland office and their Northwest mill operations at Vernonia, Oregon, by way of San Francisco and Los Angeles.