3 minute read
(Thc Clearlng Hourc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't'Wants" is for: rhe t"$fly-Wfil,Y,ftrf
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The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-t27, care California Lumber Merchant. z-l+tf.
Connection rvith lumber firm by young man who has excellent record; last employer twelve years managing large yard; best references, including employer; come at once. Address Box 4-190, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-l-l
Wanted-Position as Yard Foreman. Now in full charge of retail yard in Los Angelesl Changes being made in organization leave me open for position. Know both stock and detail finish and can furnish excellent references. Address Box 4-191. care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Position Wanted
Married man, 35 years of age, wants position manager of sales, manager large wholesaler or manufacturer. Entire career spent in lumber industry, from woods to marketing. Well educated, efficient executive, knows the business. Past six years executive and selling in North and East. At present employed. Best of references. Box 200-4, care Calif. Lbr. Merchant.
For Sale
200 heavy 5 ft. lumber jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-92.00 each.
Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Young Lady Wants Position As Stenographer
Want position in lumber office in San Francisco. Have had four years experience with San Francisco wholesaler. Thoroughl.y familiar with all .branches lumber office work. Can submil excellent recommendations.
Address Box 300. c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Angeles.. Must be capable of taking entire charge and exceptionally good salesman, who can. build up and hold business against strongest competition. In first letter state full particulars, salary asked and references. Address Box 4-166, care California Lumber Merchant. 6-l-tf
Experienced Retail Yard Manager, bookkeeper, estimator, salesman, Los Angeles experience, keen competition, can make small investment, highest references. Address Box 4-1'95, care California.Lumber Merchant. 10.1-1
Wants Sales Position
Young man, 28 years- of age, twelve years' experience in lumber, one in mills, two selling sash and doors on road, balance in retail yards. Good accountant, fair salesman. Wants sales position with large retailer or wholesaler. Good references. Address A-I25. care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Large Shipment For Islands
Loading the largest cargo of asphalt, roofing and asphalt shingles yet turned out by the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company for Hawaiian shipment, Edward A. Mulford representative of the company on the islands and in the Orient, sailed last week to resume his war on boring ants and dry rot which have been causing increasing destruction in the tropical climates.
"Having been in the buSiness of manufacturing high grade building felts for more than 25 years in Los Angeles, when the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company announced a few months ago that they had added one of the best equipped prepared roofing plants to their factories, for the production of scientifically processed asphalt roofing, veteran builders became regular customers almost from the start," said Mulford.
"It has been a case of stepping up production ever since, and with wet weather anticipated in the near future, roofing materials that are guaranteed to stand the beat of the elements for 10 and 2O years are springing into brisk demand."
Jimmy Atkinson Returns From Valley Trip
Jimmie Atkinson, connected with the rail department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from his initial trip through the Sacramento Valley territory where he was calling on the Valley lumber trade. He accompanied Hasting Garland, the Company's Sacramento Valley representative, over the territory.
Extensive improvements by Hobbs, Wall and Company are at the present time under way, under the direction of Superinterldent Ira Thompson, in the form oJ a much larger mill pond, and a new yard on the south side of their plant.
New Roundhouse
The Red River Lumber Company,"Westwood, is constructing a mammoth new roundhouse, particularly designed to house the motor cars operated by the company.
Mr. L. St. Clair, assistant sales manager for the Central Coal & Coke Company, Kansas City, is visiting relatives in Long Beach.