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Arthur Heavenrich
Arthur Heavenrich, sales manager of the Madera Sugar Pine Co., and one of the most prominent lumbermen in the pine industry, died at Fresno on Sunday, September 19, following an illness of several months. He was 44 years old.lle was President of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association and for many years took an active part in association affairs. He was a graduate of the University of Michigan where he studied law. He was associated with the Madera Sugar Pine Co. since 1903, a thorough student of all branches of the lumber indttstry, and his passing will be a great loss to the pine industry. Funeral services, rvhich r,vere largely attended and at which there rvere many beautiful floral tokens of esteem, were held at Fresno on September 22.
D. M. Botsford, vice president of the Botsford-Constantine Company, addressed the sales force of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. at their San Francisco office on September 21, when he outlined the plans and policies being followed in the company's advertising program. Walker Campbell, manager of the Botsford-Constantine San Francisco office, and Miss Edith Abbott of their San Francisco office, were also present at the conference.
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