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Mgr. San Frucleco Ofricc

W. T. BLACK Mgr. Portland Ofrice

How Lumber Looks

The wholerale lumber market, at both endr of t{re rtate, har made no great changet in the part two weekr.

A telegram from San Francirco, on t'he morning of the 29th, rayr:

The fir market in the Bay Dirtrict and the interior of the rtate rhows no changer druing the part two weekr. Conditionr are about the rame.

The volume of lurrber moving into the Bay Dirtric by cargo is heavy and at the prerent time only 12 boetr are tied up. The cargo rnarket ir fairly active with pricer remaining about the ca,rn€.

The rail market is reported fair with pricee holding theh own. Retail rtockr ere below normal and dealerr afe not buytng for future deliverier but taking on only "fill in ltocks" and there is conriderable of thir burinesr moving. No. 3 Vertical Grain Flooring continuer to be a scarce itcm.

The millc report good order filee. The yard and export +mand ir fair with considerable inductrial burineu being offered. Demnd for yard rtockr and rail rhipmentr into Texer and Oklahoma ir reported good, with pricea much more attractive than is being offered by the California trade. The log rupply ir reported rcarce with a $1.0O increare re- cently made on Puget Sound and it ir reported that a rimilar increare will be rnade on Grayl Harbor on Octobcr 1.

REDWOOD: The demand for Commonr continuer good. The eadern demand is fair with the outlook for fall burineu god. The export demand ie fair. Pricer are firm.

CALIFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE: The pinc rnerket rhowr no radicd changee. There ir a good volume of burinere; the mills are working to capacity, with no change in pricec.

In Southern California the mill repreeentdiver report a fair, rteady dernand with a e[ght rtiffening in all uppen and comnron! holding their orrn on the lwel ertablirhed thc 6rrt of September.

Shlpmentr, at San Pedro, will run heary for Septcnrber, the indications bcing for cloce to 140,O00,000 feet.

Bujlding perrnitr are good, for Septernber, with Lor Angeler orowding eight million, for September, and with the valley townr reporting r healthy condition on ncw work and good procpectr for fdl.

The lart weekly report from the Wcet Coart Lumbermen'r Ascociation rhorm production totalling 111 million, rales of 117 million and rhipmentr 113.

Who Is The Lumber Dealer, Mr. Mill Manager?

He is the point of contact between YOUR lumber and the consuming public.

He is the man on whom the character presentation of YOUR stockto the man who will ultimately use it, will largely depend.

He is the man who must sell YOUR stock, if it is going'to be sold. He is amost important man in YOUR business.

For the sake of yourown business, you should know him, you should try to understand him and his problems,youshouldcooperate with him to the end that YOUR lumber shall go before the ultimate consumer in themanneryouaspire to have it.

He is a man you have paid too little attention to in the past.

He isa very vital cog inYOUR wheel. Consider him as such, try to visualize him as such, and it will help YOUR business and HIS.

Who Is The Mill Man, Mr. Lumber Dealer?

He is YOUR source of supply.

The degree of pride you feel in the stock you furnish your trade from which to build their HOMES, must depend upon HIM.

For the service and quality which make your business a joyand the lack of which cuts down your profit and your plgasureyou must depend onHIM.

He is a most important man in YOUR business.

You should know him better than you have in thepast,and you should cooperate with him to the end that your customers may be satisfied in their building activities.

He is the man whose cooperation and friendly understanding will do much to solve YOUR most serious lumber problems.

He is your natural business ally. Get closer to him. Get his viewpoint. Give him YOURS. In this way you will help YOUR business, and HIS.

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