2 minute read
Gus Russell Becomes Dry Lumber Evangelist
Time was when Augustus J. "Gus" Russell of San Francisco created for himself the title of "chief wooden shingle booster", when he led the campaign of the lumber industrv when wooden roofs were threatened with extinction *ithin the borders of this sovereign state of California.
He hasn't changed his opinion a bit in that respect-not even since he got chumming around with that eloquent maker of other roofs, Sylvester Weaver of Los Angelesbut Mr. Russell has another hobby right now, and one in which he is as interested and enthusiastic as he was when shingle campaigning. Likewise he is making a decided success of those efforts, just as he did with shingles.
He is now the champion and advocate of dry Fir lumber for building purposes in the State of California. It is less than a year since Mr. Russell's concern, the Santa Fe Lumber Company, took on an account selling kiln dried Fir. He didn't know himself at that time whether or not it was a wise and lasting game. But the lumber he has been shipping and the satisfaction it has been giving has sold him thoroughly and utterly, and today kiln dried lumber comprises the large majority of stock being sold and shipped by the Santa Fe Lumber Company, and every foot of it is coming into California and Arizona. The hardest buyers on the whole list are trying it with apparent pleasure and satisfaction, says Mr. Russell, in spite of the fact that No. 1 kiln dried costs from $9 to $tt a thousand more than the same grade g'reen, and the No. 2 costs several dollars more than the green of the same grade.
So this is an interesting campaign that the forceful Mr. Russell is conducting. He gives- the dealer he talks to something new and interesting to think about. He says to the dealer who has known only green common:
"\Mhy do YOU stand the loss in grade that comes from air drying in your own yard. When you buy kiln dried the mill has taken the degrade.
"Why do YOU go the expense of sticking your lumber piles ?
"Why do YOU sell dimension surfaced unseasoned, that is necessarily uneven in widths and thicknesses ?
"Do YOU know how much you lose every year through the deterioration of green lumber in your yard ?
"Do YOU know how much shorter lived and less practical for building purposes is green than well dried lumber?
These and other pertinent questions Mr. Russell asks the dealers he calls on. And they scratch their heads in thought.
He has been in Southern California for the past week talking his new hobby.
You will be interertd to lnow that beginning October lst, Mr. C. J. Laughlin, formerly connected with l.ong-Bell Lumler C,o., will repreeent us exclusively in the cale of our Chickasaw Braxrd Flooring and otfier hardwood products. Mr.laughlin will reside in Los Angeles and will nepresent urin Southern California from Fresno to San Diego. B€ing well and favorably known throughout the trade in that territory, l\ilr. LaWhlinta eelection ar our exclusive nepresentative will undoubtedly pnove a popuhr one, and with the long estab' lighed reputation of our Chickasaw Brand Oak Flooring for euElity and manufacture to support hb personsl efiortr in aerving the trade, we are confident that you will at all timec give him tihat cotuteous consideration to which he is entitled.