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they are becoming very much interested in Kiln Dried Fir and some of our good customers are giving it a try. In every case a trial means more
K. D. F. In order to better serve our Arizona friends we have our own salaried salesman in that great and prosperous state. When you want K. F. D. Service (Kiln Dried Fir Service), you can reach him by addressing
Lumber Carrying Ships
We are often asked the question, "How many vessels are there hauling lumber from the Pacific Northwest inlo California?" So far as can be computed there are 110 ships engaged in the regular business of hauling lumber from Washington, Oregon and British Columbia to California ports.
Earl White Now Oakland Retailer
Earl E. White, who several months ago embarked in the retail lumber business in Oakland, reports that he finds business in his district satisfactory. His new concern is called the East Bay Lumber & Mill Co. Earl has a large acquaintanceship with the lumber fraternity of California and the Pacific Coast, having been associated with the California Door Co. for sixteen years, serving as manager of their retail yard at Folsom, and prior to entering business for himself acted as traveling representative for the company.
W. R. Chamberlin, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., and Joe Rolando, Sudden-Heitman Lumber Co., are back again at their desks in San Francisco after spending three weeks in the Northwest. While in the North, they were visitors at the several mills which the Chamberlin interests represent in the California market, together with calling on many of their Northwest lumbermen friends.

Russell Gheen Was Formerly Forestry Professor at Syracuse University
Russell Gheen is the basso voiced and excellent gentleman who sells the stock of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company in Southern California territory. Before joining the Johnson forces he was manager of a buying office in Portland for, a big eastern concern, and previous to that time he was assistant secretary of the American Wholesale Lumber Association, rvhen Dick Putman lvas head of that organization.
But there was an earlier experience in this young man's life that has not been advertised. For six yeais before joining the wholesalers' association Mr. Gheen held the chair of forestry in Syracuse lJniversity, the youngest man that ever held a full professorship in that great institution of learning.
So when Mr. Gheen talks lumber and timber to you you rvill understand that he gets his knowledge of the subject from every practical source, books, science and personal contact. Few lumbermen in the country have a better foundation for a lumber career than Mr. Gheen. Besides that he likes the lumber business. and likes to sell lumber. That's why he left the college job. And he says he's glad of it.
The Glenwood Lumber Co., San Jose, have remodeled their lumber office, both exterior and interor, and have furnished the office with new equipment. The office also has a display room and the interior of the office is .very attractively arranged. O. E. Schnobel and E. Walter Schnobel operate this retail lumber concern.
Hang your saw onthe wall. Hammer and nails are all that are necessary to pr€pare frame for the Builder. Whitney Frames are properly constructed for assembly.