1 minute read
Mrdera Su*., Pin.
A True Whitc Pinc Water CureLAir Dried
Nothing could bc better for pattern ctock and planing mill lumbcr for all purporer, than our wide, thiclc, coft tertured lumber. It comcr from California Sugar Pinc treec, which arc famour for thcir cxccptional aizc and quality.
Bor Shool end Cut-up Mrtcrirb
Gprciiy iln000 Foct Drily followed, result, not only in better arrangement and appearance, but that avoid waste of material or labor, and insure greatest economy in choice of lengths, sizes and grades of material most suitable, as confirmed by years of practical experience in modern farm building design and construction.
Only such designs are produced and made available as have proven thoroughly efficient, practical, and economical. These six points have been observed throughout:
1. To avoid waste.
2. To use standard lengths and economical sizes.
3. To utilize short lengths rvherever possible.
4. To select wisely the right wood for a given use to insure greatest economy.
5. Low depreciation.
6. Lumber satisfaction.
The Service is a series of Agricultural Building Bulletins. They are all letter size, and each bulletin gives plans and specifications w(th illustrations of some distinct farm building or accessory.
There is a supplement to each of these bulletins which shows the material list for each plan, with cutting directions. THIS supplement is necessarily the private property of the dealer who gets the bulletin, and one which he does
(Continued on Page 14)