1 minute read
(Continued from Page 12)
NOT shorv to his trade, this material bill being HIS guarantee of selling the material if the farmer decides to build rvhatever the plan calls for.
'fhe California Redwood Association has already issued twenty of these bulletins. When a dealer installs this service, they sell trim a binder containing all of these already issued bulletins, with introductory literature in the front of same. The dealer subscriber is then entitled to purchase from the Association at cost price,'reprints of each and every bulletin he desires. These bulletins he uses for mailing o.r presenting to his customers, to interest them in this particular building or accessory. The supplement he keeps in his own office. The binder is loose leaf, and as each additional bulletin appears it is mailed to each subscriber, and he adds it to his book. Thus he is constantly building up this attractive farm plan book, and he can get reprints of any of the plans, at any time.
Also, the Association will sell him at low price newspaper mats or cuts that he can use in his advertising of these services. if he desires to do so.
This Service has met rvith inrmediate response from the dealers of California, about 300 of them having subscribed for same service already, more than 225,0n copies of reprints having been ordered and distributed, and hundreds of letters having been received from dealers, farmers and other interests, telling of successful accomplishment from this service.
Between 40 and 5O California dealers have built certain of the building things shown in the plans and used them for display in their yards, thereby bringing about direct sales, and visualizing what they have to offer. One dealer built a septic tank from one of these bulletins, and sold more than twenty of them from' displaying it in front of his office. Many newspaper mats have been ordered.
"The California l-umber Merchant" desires to help this good work along and to that end has arranged with the California Redwood Association for permission to publish these bulletins in these columns as educational matter and in succeeding issues of this journal these bulletins will appear.
W. H. Esworthy, Vice President and General Manager of the Gustine Lumber Co.. Gustine, died at Newman on Sunday morning, September 12. He was 58 years old. Mr. Esrvorthy followed the lumber business in the San Joaquin Valley for many years and had a large number of friends among the lumber fraternity of the state. Prior to taking over the management of the Gustine Lttmber Co., which yard his orgiinization purchasecl from the N{iller & Lux interests several months ago, he was connected with the Swastika Lumber Co. of Fresno. lle rvas an active member of Hoo-Hoo and a member o{ the Fresno HooHoo Club. He is survived bv his rvife. Mrs. Maud G. Esworthv.