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Railroad Association Reports California overflowing with Consistent Prosperity
California's prosperity thus far In 1926 has exceeded all previous records for a similar period in the State's history and present indications are that this prosperity will continue for the rest of the year, it was shown by'reports on conditions from all parts of the State submitted at the quar- terly conference of the Pacific Coast Transportation Advisory Board of the American Railway Assbciation, conducted at the Alexandria Hotel in Los Angeles the other day.
In only one line of production, that of grapes, were conditions revealed as unsatisfactory. The amount of the crop is somewhat less than last year and marketing conditioni have been unfavorable owing to early maturity ind unusual weather conditions in the East. To remedy-the situation, it was _proposed to form a grape growers' oiganization, a.td preliminary steps in this direction will be talen at a meeting to be conducted this morning at the Biltmore, to be attgnded by -representatives of all the different grape-growing districts of the State.
Plan Car Needs
_.T!,. meeting, which was presided over by Charles E. Virden, chairman of the industrial committee of ttre California Development Association, was attended bv almost 500 growers,_bankers, railroad executives, shippers and business men of California, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. The specific purpose of the conference was to take stock of economic conditions in these States and to decide on car needs for the shipping of commodities during the next ninety-day period.
Red Cedar Shingles
Manufactured By Schafcr Broe. Shlnglc Co. Natlonal Lumbcr & Mfg. Co.
Jor Crec} Shlnglc Co. Rlplcy Ccdar Co. Ultlct! ShlDsls Co.
Montc[no, WlrL Hoq-irn, WarL - .Alohe, Wrrh. Abcrden, Wrh. Abcrdcen, Wuh.
We are in position to furnish your requirements in all kinds of Shingles, either Grcen or KiIn Drled, for all rail or water shipment, and in order to better serve you have opened a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
We manufacture:
6/2 Extra *A*'s
5/2 Extra rA*'s Extra Clears
Premium Clears and all corresponding second grades
XXXXX Perfect Eurekas Perfections Royals
Suitc Zl, Finch Building
Aberdeen, Warh.
Repreeented by W. W. WILKINSON l2ll Inr. ExcLangc Bldg. Lor Angclcr
This year's -prosperity was clearly revealed in the quar- terly report of George H. Leithner, manager for the western district of the American Railway Association. which showed that for the first eight months of the year tire total amount of freight loaded in this territory was i,ZZO,4OZ cars, an increase of 85,264 cars, or 7.2 per cent, over the number of cars loaded during the same period in 1925 and L76,Ol7 cars more than were'ioaded during the fiist eight months of 1924, Statements of perishables transported in refrigerator cars compared with the same period in l9Z5 and 31.904 cars more than in1924.It was stat;d that fully 90 per cent of the great number of cars loaded this year tepresented California products alone.
Citrus Outlook
. Reports on production and car needs for the remaining three months of the year were submitted by forty-two com-modity committees, representing every part of: the $tate. Among the more important of these weri the following:
Citrus production, it was reported bv C. O. Cornwall. chairman of the citrus committee, is laiqer this year than last, the tonnage being estimated at 70,000 ot *ore carloads. 9p to the 14th inst. it was reported that 57,800 cars had been shipped and it was estimated that 15,000 additional cars will be needed up until the end of the year.
J.. L. Nagle, chairman of the decicluous fruit committee. reported that 40,250 carloads of deciduous fruits have been
(Continued on Page 18)
A three story house uith "Perfection" ot1, all three
Mrs. B-. C. Ball's residence, 614 Iaurel Avenue. Portland. Oregon. is a particularly attractive modified English tyoe. TIie architeci. A. -n. Dovle. and .the contractors, McHolland. Bros., agreed that only'the best irali troorlng oDtalnaDle would serve in such a home.
They chose "p-gfferction- Brand Oak Flooring, us ng clear quartered wnrte oak on the trrst tloor, clear plain white oak on the second floor, and selct plain white oak 'on the 'third.
As you see it_today, the rich natural finish has a beautiful lustre. The texture rs. such that generations from now these same floors will retain thelr.original beauty. Yet .'Perfection" costs no more than a number oI otner Drands-
There's a size and grade of.,Perfection" Brand Oak Floorins for everv type ot structure, new or old. For full informatjon write todiy.