4 minute read
Stock Doors for Fine Homes
1\7f ORE and more, builders oF the better class of homes are finding stock I t I front and interior doors thoroughly suited to their requirements. Even Z*."ii.rg architects can be persuaded readily to the advantage of stock patterns provide-d your assortment affords a good selection from which to choose.
Are manutactured from the highest type of California Sugar Pine which is rrue White Pirre. Our "Coloiial" 5.X Panel in all White Pine with raised panels is a big seller (especially suited to white enamelfinish). We furnish this and other staidard p.ti".nt, also fined with slash grain Fir panels.. Pickering millwork products include the best oFthe forests, science and care in kiln drying and expeiienced workmanship in the making. They afe conveniently obtain' able from your nearest jobber. Ask him for prices and write us for our new millwork catalogue.
(Corl$inued flom Page 16) ported by W. W. Vallmbrink. It. was stated that more than shipped up to this time, as against 32,378 carloads last year 1000 carloads will be shipped. during the same period.
.^{9oJ production in this territory this year was given as
Walnut production this vear will amount to some 18.000 40,000,000 pounds. tons, abou't 60 per cent oi last year's production, accord- Of lumber it was reported by R. D. Baker thdt this tering to Carlyle ihorpe, *anageiof the Walnut Growersl ritor,ydugng-thepresentyearhasproduced785,117,688;feet AJsociation. The repbrt stated- further that the production '' aga-inst 65.l,175,132 feet last year. of almonds.is abouf 9000 tons, which is almost 50 per cent ; -O:r geneial business conditions, the Los Angeles Chamber over last year's production. The report concluded'by stat- of -Commerce reported that the situation ouiside Los Aning that 1700 cais will be needed to move these two crops gele9.i9 fair to good,_adding tha! in the Los Angeles district during the next three months. : t condttrons are excellent as revealed by a 14 per cent in- codton and BeanF ,. :.,.., crease in"pbstal feceipts. ,': .:'. j rhe sate's cotton crop wnl 3*9qt: lojguodt szo,qqo s00- ,,,;t Y;8,,1"13; ffi[!,X? pound bales, as; against:i total,:of 3I7;?5&,last year, it was' nrrr $liat*oo_ reported'byS.R.Pratt,headofthe.cotton'cs&mittee.-1";]"'"*..
The field of beans ii egtimated at 4,6r6p,0qts4tiks, it was _,{'_1:.L"cy, reporln$ Io.t lh:. manufacturers' committee reportel. bv A:'lenman, .n"it-"" ui:tiiJln*"n---Ed-"..a of southern California; stated that the industridl situation ."'**itiei'"'--"^"*^'
' lrt r' is,satisfacto':y.,, ".'...t -committei:'-
= 'I i:]llliii:iI;er'er. the job.bers, .o**itt". ror southern
Production'of v€getables and melons tto{ub'.an ihcrease c"iii"i"i"ffiiiij'tn", conditions in the jobbing business qf ry pe1 cent.over that of last year.l rt was rlpor,tgdly E. E. Goader. It was $tated that 19,000 cars w.flt, ,bdlrtbeded. :i l[T-*"tion had pbowh a marked improviment 6ver those ;"
"epurt o<r condi.tions in Arizona was made by a _",9"1,tj::"i:.i:u.i:.ofouctiot'r showed a z! qer g{ff$f*".* spokesman 6r,;16;'Chambrr of Commerce of that State, 3."01.il,;;:t
G. M. Rolph. It was stated that 6100 cars will be'.heeded throushout. i to move the output' l,: A_ riumber of ihe growers present expressed themselves Oil Production ; on the. subject of t_hg grape-cai plan, which they stated had _ petroreum production this year. has-reqgile d tzs;i23 cars
** launcired more or for its movement this year as against 122;945 cars last year, it was _*q*l by the report of -A. C. Mclaughlin. Thl report added that crude oil is now being produCed in Califor- GARRISON OPENS NEW YARD nia at the rate of 598,000 barrels a diy. i- rt_- t-,, Mr' c. F. Garrison, operating_ a retaii yard at l-ong
The production of rice has been thL largest in the his- Beach, rtas ;usi ofened a branih on Long Beach Rlvd., toryofCalifornia,amountingto3,750,00obags,itwasre-Magnoliapj.r.,*ftnMr.F-rankc.ntlii.ii"r'.ls;.
Dealers Who Need Hardwood Floorino
and "l X L"
'.COOPER" or "IXL" Hardwood Flooring-Has _Give11 Satisfaction in These Buildings Where Good t"ooldng and Long lvearing Floors were Demanded lVoncn'r Athletic Club, L. A.

\l/crtwood School, l\fcrtwood
Bcverly Hillr School, Bcvcrly Hillr
Breatwood Country Club
Carthay Certcr School, L. rA,.
Y. M. C. A., Glcndalc.
Fcderal Building, Hollywood
Urban Military Acadcmy, L. A.
Stanley Apartmcntr, Puedcne
Longfcllop School, Whitticr
Horacc Mrnn School, L. A.
'lVarrcn G. Harding School, Sewtcllc
2035 Eart fSth St.
Loe Angclc!
Mt. Veraon Ja High Schoot, L. A.
Hotcl Nonnandic, -HollSrwood.
$ymnariu-, Paradena High School
United -Studior, Culver City
M-anual Artt High School, L. A.
O'Melveay St. Sihool, San Fcrnendo lo-v-creig_ n Apartmentr, Long Bcech
Odd Fcllowr Tcmple. L. A.-
Alhambra Athletic itub, Alhenbra
Jcwirh_ Womcn'r Councii, L. d.
Chovy Cherc School, -Glendelc '
E-rcondijt-o Union High School, Ercondido
Phone WEshore 5131

G. W" Dow, ProPrietor
Attcotion ll[r. Kiqgrley
Dear Mr. Kingalcy:
Lonc Pine, C.lif.' Jdy 24,'1928
We are very pleased to write this letter telling yog th3rlthe car of FINISH we are now unloading I3 THE FINEST CAR WE HAVE-EVER RECEIVED IN THIS YARD. Thie car was ahipped by your Company on the | 3th. Our truck driverg all claim THEY HAVE NEVER UNLOADED A CAR TTIAT WAS AS WELL TIED AND LOADED AS THIS CAR and tfie writer only hopec that he can buy many more such cars.
(Siened) G. W. DOW.
West Oregon Super Finish Our Particular Pride
Everything that human experience and ingenuity can devise, together with the frnegt of raw material in the shape of carefully and particularly selected old growth yellow Fir logs, goes to make our incom' parable Super Finieh. The choosing of the loge, the eawing, the re-sawing, the handling, the grading, the drying, the dreeeing, the tying, the loading, and the ehipping, are all done along scientific lineg to the end that the product may be as perfect ae guch a product may be. Our Super Finish is the standard that others are gauged by wherever such products are known.
And the 30,000 feet of lumber our mill cuts every hour is all on a parity for quality, grade, and general worth, to our Super Finish. West Oregon Fir means complete Fir satisfaction.
Our Guarantee Of
Your Assurance Of Satisfaction
WENDLTNG.NATHAN CO., ll0 Merkct Sto San Francicco
E. U. WHEELOCK, lnco 145 So. Grand Avc, . Lor An3clcr