2 minute read
October 2l -22-23, 1926.
C. E. Klumb, sales manager of the Finkbine Lumber Co., Jackson, Mississippi, r-as a recent San Francisco visitor after inspecting their new mill operations at Rockport, Mendocino County. Mr. Klumb states that their mill operations will start around the first of November. The company will square the logs at their Rockport operations and convey the logs to their mill in the South by their own transportation facilities.
Ben Oslind Finds The Beds Too Short
Ben Oslind, president of the Tall Men's Association and president of the Coos Veneer & Box Co. of Marshfield, Oregon, was a San Francisco arrival on September 15 and on being ushered to his room at one of the local hotels, found that the beds were not made to order for tall men. Homer Maris, the well known panel distributor. rvho handles '!Ben's" products in the N6rthern California territory, says that Ben delivered a regular oration to the hotel management when he found that he was going to have a tough time if he attempted to sleep in the shoit bed in the room assigned to him. "Homer" says that he got results, as the hotel management advised that when "Ben" returned from his Los Angeles trip that he'would find 12 rooms in the hotel equipped with long beds. We hope that "Ben" had the same good luck with his Los Angeles hotel manag'ement.
Sacramento Vglley Lumbermen's Club Meeting
About 70 were in attendance at the monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club held at the Senator, Ilotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, September 18. Owing to the absence of President E. S. Mctsride, vice president W. A. Waldron presided.
The speaker of the day was George K. Rogers, Metropolitan Guarantee Bldg. & Loan Assoc., San Francisco, who gave an interesting and instructive talk on Better Homes and the benefits resulting to the lumber trade through the Building and Loan Associations. Mrs. J. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, spoke on the Retailers Annual Convention that will be held at Sacramento on October 22 and23. The Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club are acting as a committee of arrangements for the Convention.
- Joe Cuneo, White Brothers, San Francisco, was in good form and made a big hit with the crowd with his reperloire of Italian stories which he tells delightfully in -the Italian dialect.
_ Fire destroyed the mills of the Defiance Shingle Co. and !lr_e E_mpire Box Co. at Vancouver, B. C., on September 9. The Stanley Lumber Co. and the Sitka Lumbei Co. were also damaged by the fire. The total loss was about $200,- 000.
Lumber Warehouse Destroyed By Fire
The lumber warehouse of the Red River Lumber Co., lo-cated-at Anderson, California, near Redding', was destroy- ed by fire on August 30. Over 300,00O feet bf lumber was destroyed.