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D.M.BotsfordTalks toDouglasFirClub Attend Building Officials Conference
On September 2lst, at the Tuesday luncheon of the Douglas Fir Club of San Francisco, an interesting talk was given by David M. Botsford, vice president of the Botsford-Constantine Company, on the subject of the national advertising and sales promotion campaign for Douglas Fir.
Mr. Botsford, whose company is directing the campaign of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, spoke briefly about the results already evidenced after the first few months of the advertising campaign. He has just ,returned from a month's trip throughout the East where he has been studying merchandising and markets in connection with the advertising campaigns directed by the Botsfortl-Constantine CompJny. He"reported thatihroughout the East the Douglas Fir campaign had already created a considerable amount of interest.
"Fir," said Mr. Botsford, "is rapidly gaining in distfibution and is steadily growing in favor among arihitects, contractors and engineers. Douglas Fir is belng looked upon everywhere as the ultimate general utility soft wood ind the public is.rapidly becoming aware of its many advantages lft1o-uglr national magazines, class publications and personal field work under the direction of -Mr. Hogue.',
John Fossett Vtstts Caltfornta
John_Fossett, mill operator at Lakeview, Oregon, was a recent California visitor where he spent several dJys looking oVer' business conditions and calling on his lumbermei friends. While in the Bay District, hi was a visitor at the pla-nt of the Wes-Co Blower & Pipe Co., Oakland, where he talked over old times with mattafer Frank Campbell. Mr. Fossett before coming to the Paiific Coast wal connected with the Victoria Lumber Co. at Shreveport, Louisiana.
C. Stowell Smith, secretary California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers' Association; R. F. Hammatt, Secretary California Redwood Association; R. G. Kimball, Washington, D. C.; Arthur Bevan, Seattle; and Mrs. J. Fraser, Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association. were in attendance at the Fifth Annual Convention of the Pacific Coast Building Officials, held at San Jose on September 20, 2L and, 22. The Building Code was the subject discussed, and Mrs. Fraser addressed the Convention on the subject, "Building Code in Relation to the Retail Dealers." The Convention was largely attended, delegates being present from the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Idaho.
R. A. Long a San Francisco Visitor
R. A. Long, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Long-Bell Lumber Co., was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days on business matters. He was also a visitor at the company's San Francisco office where he visited with Clint Laughlin, their San Francisco manager. He was returning from Longview, Washington, enroute to his home at Kansas City.
Harry B. Hewes, Jeanerette, I-ouisiana, prominent Southern lumberman,rwas a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent several days on business matters. He was returning from a business trip in the Northwest.