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Here's an Extta Profit You Ought to be Getting
You sell the studding-and by just mentioning theitem to the plasterer you can usually also sell the plaster lath that goes orrer the studding. And those few wonds pay handsome dividends.
Builders and plasterera are coming in increasing numbers to the use of Buttress Plaster Lath because it is so much easier and economical to "pply than wood lath-because it is easier to apply plaster -and a Buttress iob has none of the grief thatts always associated with wood lath.
Buttress representatives have called on mo'st plastererc and proved to them that it usually costs less to use Buttre$ Plaster [.ath than any other form of wall backing.
Hundreds of plasterers have proved this and are now urging their customers to build sound-insulated, firedefiant walls of Buttress.
Sornebody in your section is taking orders for Buttressand it ought to be you. For sales proposition, phone or write the Buttress Manufacturing Company, 6910 So. Alameda St., [.os Angeles, Calif.