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Over Seventy Fir Mills Concerned in Proposed Merger
Negotiations for a proposed merger of more than seventy Northwest manufacturers of Fir, were held at Kansas City early this week.
Reports at press time, indicate the practical completion of the plan, with representatives of many of the Washington and Oregon mills in conference at Kansas City.
The plan would consolidate about one-third of the entire production of the Pacific Northwest, approximately three billion feet per year, and represents a welding of three hundred and sixty million dollars of invested capital.
The Organization Committee meeting at Kansas City is composed of Mr. C. D. Johnson, President of the pacific Spruce Corporation, chairman; Major Everett Griggs, Tacoma; Mr. James Tyson, San Francisco; Mr. Ray Danaher,
Detroit, and Mr. Chas. S. Keith, Kansas City, of the Central Coal & Coke Company.
The Kansas City meeting is the result of eighteen months of negotiations,
It has been stated that the plan would bring about greater economy in mill operations, greater efficiency, and co-ordination in water and rail shipments. Mr. Keith recently declared, in discussing the plan, "The merger would place the Fir lumber business on a profitable basis from the standpoint of manufacturing, preparation and distribution," and that the principal trouble at present is improper distribution and preparation, evils which an organization could correct, he believes.
The plan provides for the outright purchase of all assets of the merging companies for cash or its equivalent in stock in the parent corporation.

Portland, Oregon Car and Cargo Shipments l
Ships-S. S. Robert Johnson, S. S. C. D. Johnson III. eci+Old Growth Yellow Fir aqd Si&a Spruce s"r4 offices: ffi :fr:HffS?**:r
C. Harry White, vice president and general manager of White Brothers, was the speaker of the day at the HooHoo Club No. 9 luncheon at the Palace Hotel on Thursday, September 16, giving an interesting talk on his recent European tour. He touched on the high spots and the many interesting things that he observed in his travels through England, Scotland, France, Switzerland and Italy.
Homer Maris, H. P. Maris Panel Co., was chairman of the day. President J. Walter Kelly presided over the business session of the meeting. G. W. Fraser was elected a delegate to attend the Hoo-Hoo Annual at Kansas City on September 28-30. H. W. Sinnock, Redwood Sales Company, will have charge of the meeting on September 30, with John C. McCabe, Andrew F. Mahoney Lumber Co., acting as chairman of the day at the October 14 meeting.
H. H. Caldwell, Bertillion Expert, Oakland, California, was the speaker of the day at the regular monthly club Iuncheon held at the Oakland Hotel on Friday, September 17. His subject was "Personal Identification." Ur. Catawell's talk was very interesting and instructive.
Iferman Rosenberg, Hipolito Screen Co., Los Angeles, and Hoo-Hoo state counsellor for California was Dresent and gave a short talk on Hoo-Hoo activities in the state. Milt Hendrickson, Waterfront Sash & Door Co., was the chairman of the day. A. E. Shallish will act as chairman 9f the day at the October 15 luncheon. President J. E. Neighbor presided over the business session of the meeting.
20 Initiated At M9cloud
Twenty Kittens were initiated at McCloud, Calif., on August 11. The initiation was in charge of Vicegerent Snark C. T. Kernohan. The Parson attended the affair and delivered an excellent address to the gathering.
Frederick H. White, Benson Lumber Co., was elected president of the San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club at the annual meetipg of the Club on August 9. Mr. White is treasurer and general manager of the Benson Lumber Co. The other officers elected were : vice president, G. E. Mattison; treasnrer, Fred Hamilton, Benson Lumber Co.; and Arthur A. Johnson, Dixie Lumber Co., secretary.
64 Kittens Initiated At Westwood
64 Kittens were initiated at a Concatenation held at Westwood on August 31 in which the officers and members of the Westwood and Susanville districts officiated. Vicegerent Snarks William C. Graf of Susanville and Richard S. Pershing of Westwood are entitled to much praise for their work in getting this large class together.
Parson Holds Two Concatenations At Quincy
The Parson initiated 18 Kittens at Quincy on September 8, and returned there on September 2O to initiate 20 more and form a Ifoo-Hoo Club. Club officers and a permanent organization will be perfected at a later meeting.