4 minute read
The Little River Redwood Con
The Little River Redwood Company have their sales and city offices in San Francisco.
Their splendid big manufacturing plant and general offices are at Crannell, Humboldt County, California.
' Harry W. Cole, one of the keenest and most likeable chaps, as well as one of the best manufacturers of lumber in the Redwood game, is vice president and general manager of the Little River Redwood Company, and makes his home at Crannell, where he is in direct charge of all the affairs of the big concern, except the sales.
faith in the value and usefulness of all Redwood in general, and in the product of his own concern ln particular.
They are great folks for talking quality, are these Little River Redwood Company people. In the first place they own over four billion feet of virgin Redwood timber located in what they believe and claim to be the greatest stand of commercial Redwoods on earth, in the Big Lagoon and Little River watersheds.
Their timber is magnificent in quality and extra large in size. Not far from their mill at Crannell stands a Red-
The president and financial genius of the concern is Mr. Levi Crannell, who lives at ttawa, Canada.
The sales offices in San Francisco are in charge of W. H. "Bill" Dunning, a young executive with a splendid record for lumber salesrnanship, 'who possesses an abiding wood tree on their property that will some day go to the saw, which they believe to be the largest Redwood tree on earth outside the National Forests. The total height of this trce is 308 feet, and it is 20: feet in diameter five feet from the ground. Allowing for a reasonable loss in falling, and also the customary loss for bark, they estirnate that this tree when cut will produce 361,366 feet. of lurnber. It is a sound, beautiful tree. They have many other very large trees on their property, but this is the biggest one. portion of their production. A rnonorail system handles the lumber about the plant.
, The Crannell sawmill,plant isian exceptionally large one, malnufacturing an.average of 110,000'000 feet of Redwood :g.(lnual!y. The sawmill proper is equipped with three band headrigs-two single cutting and one double cutting-and a'large heavy-duty resaw. In addition to the sawmill there is a large and modern planer equipped with the most modern typi of machinery for the working and dressing of the lumber after it comes from the sawmill, and there is also a splendidly equipped re-manufacturing plant' From 60,000 to 80,000 feet of lumber goes through the re-manufacturing plant daily, permitting them to cater to every kind of Redwood buyer, of cargo, timbers, yard stock and re-manufactured stock.
The Crannell plant is operated by a combination system of steam and electrical Power.
The accompanying panoramic view of the tqwn of Cran' nell gives a clear understanding;of how attractively this milling institution is located. The best of living accommodations, with all the necessities and many o,f the luxuries of life, are furnished for their employees and families by the
. Log Entering. I'Iill on "BulI Chain"
They operate a battery of seven Cutler Dry Kilns at Crannel.l, which turn out about 800,000 feet of kiln dried Redwpod stock monthly, and there is a large complement of shed and storage equipment that enables them to give their lumber the best of protection while awaiting shiprnent. They have ample yard capacity for air drying a lnrge
A Nine-foot Log on Carriage in Fi1ttt of, Band,Saw Little Rivei Redwood Cotnpany,: 'Ciannell is one of the loveliest and healthiest milling towns in California.
The Crannell plant is located twenty rniles from their timber shipping docks on Hunlboldt Bay, and their logging road extends at the present Jime seven miles into their timber. They operate their own standard gagge railroad and standard g.auge logging equipmeng',throughout. Like their milling inititution, their logging bquipment is the mo$ modern and economical procurab:le, keeping th'e big plant well supplied with logs the year 4round.
Crannell ships its big production of lur4ber both by rail and water. The plant is located about tvfenty miles from Eureka. It makes its rail shipments to'dll Redwood consuming parts of the United States ovei the line of the Northwestern Pacific Railroad, the Redwood line.
Its water shipments are also transported twenty mileF by rail from the mill to the two docks owned and operated : r':

by the concern, one the Little River wharf, the original water shipping place, and the other the Fairhaven wharf. Both these loading wharves are located on Humboldt Bay right across the Bay from Eureka. The Fairhaven wharves were formerly owned and operated by the Rolf Shipbuilding Company, and were purchased by the Little River Redwood Company two years ago, and transformed into the finest of Redwood water shipping docks. At this wharf the they have also equipped it for much more practical service. They have installed on this dock a timber mill where they both saw and dress Redwood timbers before shipping.
The Little River Redwood Company also have two fine lumber carrying vessels of their own which ply continually between Humboldt Bay and the Lower California ports, the "Tamalpais" and the "Washington" being the names of this fleet.
The Redwood product of this concern is not only out of the finest of virgin timber, well manufactured, well dried, well handled and well shipped, but it is mighty lvell sold. As before stated, Bill Dunning handles the sales from San Francisco. In Southern California they have a contract bv to the docks and load with wire or lighters, thus permitting this concern to give wonderful service in their water shipping.

Not only is this Fairhaven wharf splendidly located and equipped for loading lumber and timbers on vessels, but