4 minute read
The ltost Highly Perfected Lumber Garrier Made
fn the past few years all operators of modern mills have recognized that the most efficient way of handling yard, transportation is with the Carrier System. The only problem then was to secure a Carrier that in its operation and durability would properly and reliably meet with this new condition.
So it was, with 34 yeats of experience in building power transportation equipment behind him, that Mr. Carl F. Gerlinger set himself to the task of producing the ideal lutnber carrier. Out of the years of study and experiment came the application of the time-tried hydraulic principle to the lumber carrier. The present GERLINGER is the result of this efiort. Its many distinctive features and points of superiority are now quickly placing it in the forefront of its field.
W'e earnestly believe this new Model HS to be easily the most highly beveloped, simply constructed, strongest, reliable' carrier made.
Note These Features
1. Height over all, 8 ft. 3 in.
2. Height to top of driver seat, 6 ft. g in.
t. Canier automatically b i nds I oad, thereby preventing strewing of lumber over docks when unit is set dovm.
4. Hydraulic lift. Lift 4 in. per second.
5. Continental motor.
6. Self starter. For
which that sterling aggregation of wholesalers, the firm ness and which aims to make Redwood better with every of W. H. Chamberlin & Company, handle their account season that passes. exclusively. They handle it themselves in Northern Cali- They have sufficient of their wonderful timber to keep fornia. And in eastern te,rritory they have their sales in the their big plant operating at its present rate of speed for hands of the great selling concern which specializes in sell- eighty y"r6 to "o*.. ing the product of. a number of the biggest and best Red*loa in generat territory-the Redwood Sales com-
The mighty stand of four billion feet, timber that they are just now starting to cut, together with their other holdings, will last, on a conseFyative estimate by Mr. Cole, about eighty y€ars.
At the end of that time the.Little River Redwood Company will have second growlh. timber, some as old as one hundred years, good commercial trees that will keep their mills humming.
In 1925 they planted 295,00d seedlings, and to date have planted better than 50 per cent of their cutover land. Many acres of the land that was logged seventeen years ago has pany of San Francisco, of which Mr. H. W. Sinnock is the very capable executive.
The illustrations which accompany this story were selected for the purpose of illustrating the splendid timber, unusual milling and shipping facilities, and economical and efficient milling operations of the Little River Redwood Company.
The private oflice ofW.H. Dunning, in San Francisco, should really be added to this story, although no picture was available. Many of the Redwood concerns have made use of their own wood in their San Francisco offices to show how beautifully Redwood can be used for interior finish, trim, doors, etc., but none of them to better advantage than has the Little River Redwood Company in this San Francisco ofifice, where the Redwood interior effects are wonderful.
This concern also gives much of its attention to the exploiting of Redwood for use where beautiful interior and exterior wood effects are desired. They have in their colIection many wonderful pictures of interiors where Redwood was used in a variety of ways, to rival the most wonderful cabinet woods of the world for effect and result.

Altogether, the Little River Redwood Company, its equipment, its personnel and its business activities are of a character thirt btings.' mirch,tiedit to'itre' Redwood busi-
A Tylical Stand of Redzvootl Trees
a bounteous natural growth of healthy trees, the new planting bging done on the bare spots.
Their logging equipment runs ihto large figures. The1, own and operate over eighteen miles of complete standard gauge railroad. Six locomotives, three locomotive cranes a1$_ hlldreds of logging and lumber cars ar€ but a part of the liSt.

of the
PateDtGd ln tte
Unltcd Strter and Crnadr
Don't eay 3f,g "Hilke" dcsn't 6t your ca3e, until you inve3tigate. Consider th6se facts : One machine and 3 or 4 men will pile over 10,000 feet an hour. The Hilke Piler will double or triple your yard's capacity by higher piling. Higher piling reduces costs in any yard, regardless of space available. Doubling height of piles cuts hauling distance in half-also time, labor, alleys and their upkeep; it cuts in two cost of pile bases and roofing boards.
Gas or cl@tric. Car whelr or flat truck vheb.
Hcights 24 to 60 fet. Ack lor catalog.
69 Columbia St, Seettlc, Yferh.
{Zl Monadnoek Bldg. Sru Francirco
74{ Audubon Bldg. Ncw Orlcanr
Lumber Mill Destroyed
The Quinault Lumber Co. at Raymond, Washington, was destroyed by fire on September 14. The Quinault Luntber Co. were large shippers of lumber into the California market. The Hart-Wood Lumber Co. interests, Carl Gyl- ling and Eugene France, of Aberdeen, Washington, were the principal orvners.
The Wes-Co Blower & Pipe Co., Oakland, have completed the installation of their Blower Systems at the Boulder Creek yard of the Santa Cruz Lumber Co. and the D & S Lumber Co. at Mountain View. They are now installing Blower Systems at the Progress Lumber Co., Redwood City, and the Huntington Lumber Co., Santa Rosa.
Frank Campbell, manager of this progressive concern, reports that business with his company is active.
Octoiber 21 -22-23, 1926.

Sirnonds Welded Joints Reduce Band Saw
t'reaKage Orte-Half
Simonds Narrow Band Saw Blades are now joined by a new method*1gy a16 "welded" and the metal is fused, not stuck by the usual brazing operation. This makes the blades stronger and cuts down the possibility of breakage over 50 per cent. The same high quality steel is the foundation of Simonds Band Saws.
SIIIONIDS Saw and Knife 415 E. Third St. .Agency Loe Angeler, Calif.