2 minute read
Refinernents of deslgn that have lmmedlate approval trorn
Operator And Owner
1. Offset front wheels
2. IVide tires
3. Automatic load binder
4. Truck type steering gear
5. Magneto with impulse starter
'A MONG the advantagee following the thor. n ough re-deeigning of the carrier are thoee briefly list'ed aboveeimplicityo etrength and durability.
From the operator'e viewpoint, they make the work eaeier. From the owner'g viewpoint, they
Single lever control
Upholstered seat
Stromberg earbureter
Nemite lubrication make possible higher working eficiency with fewer layups and repaire lfeyer-Muzzoll lfonadnoek Blalgi., gan Frgnclsco
In a wordthey make for economy. Study these points. There are manf other more vital advantages exclusive with th6 Willamette Carriers which will be explained at your request.
No Policy Change
Policies of the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation will remain unchanged, the business will be carried on in the future the same as in the past, the only thought being to continue the conscientious. service that has made the name "schumacher" distinctive.,
That announcement is made by A. R. Moylan, vice-president and general manager of the corporation, as a result of the transaction in which some of the stock of the concern was taken over by interests outside of the Schumacher family.
Eail Schmidt, who has been sales manager for the Schumacher corporation for eight years and who has built up a strong distribution organization, will continue in complete charge of that department,-and the-p_ersonnel all the way down the line will remain. intact. With new capital aviilable, however, the Schumacher corporatiofi will be able to add to its manufacturing facilities and to enter new markets on a much more pretentious scale.
The Schumacher Wall Board Corporation feels that its sales organization and distribution facilities on the Pacific Coast can hardly be improved upon, and the only alternative is to develop new markets. Already an excellent start has been made.
Following are the building materials produced and sold by the Schumacher Wall Board Corporation:
Schumacher Wall Board, ft-inch thick.
Schumacher Wall Board, fi-inch thick.
Schumacher Plaster Lath.
Schumacher Ruft-Cote Paint.
Schumacher Joint Sealer.
Schumacher Paper Tape..
Schumacher l,inen Tape. -('gsh6rnxcher
San Diego in Last Concat of Year
Seven new members were taken in at the September 9th Concantenation held by the San Diego District at a novel meeting.
The ieremonies were held on the Silver Strand, Coro'nado Beach, about three miles from the city. Lights were hung along the sand stretch, a big bonfire helped to light the proceedings, and the initiatory ceremonies were followed by a Dutch lunch.
The Kittens were:
Wallace A. Walter, Wood & Walter.
Jesse O. Bacon, Klicka Lumber Co.
C. E. Coover, Klicka Lumber Co.
Chas. R. Shannon, Dixie Lumber Co.
E. R. Jensen, Dixie Lumber Co.
G. H. Gage, Whiting-Mead Co.
M. W. Herriman, Herriman Lumber Co.
This was the third Concatenation of the fiscal year for the San Diego District, and makes a total of 19 new members added to the ranks.
Two hundred employees enjoyed the annual company picnic of the Bentley Lumber Company, Glendale, at the Brookside Park in Pasadena, on Saturday, September 18th.
The office force mopped up on the yard men in a baseball game, with a score of 2L to 15.
George Bentley played third base and his brother Ray was relegated to the bench, as a substitute.
They had boys' races, girls' races, three-legged races, races for fat men and lean men, ball throwing contests for the ladies, and a number of other athletic events, followed by a basket dinner.