2 minute read
How a Clever Home Builder is Securing a Wonderful Home Prospect List
A retail lumberman in a certain Southern City (the name not to be mentioned here but available to anyone interested) gives us the facts concerning a home building campaign now being staged by a home builder of his city, that is so filled with new and practical ideas for securing a list of home building prospects, together with a complete statement of their likes, dislikes, plans, ideas, etc., for a home, that it is certain to interest every building mercfigrt.
We have published plenty of stories concerning" essay campaigns to interest home builders, etc., but this'one is a brand new slant on the idea, and a greatly improved one.
This man started an essay campaign on home building, as a direct and immediate result of which he has t huge number of people in his prospect file with a complete stateme'nt from each of their ideas of a home plan, and a complete description of what they would like to own in a home.
Here is the way he did it. He put on a new subdivision. When he got it ready for home building, he started several attractive homes on it, to show,it was real.
Then he ran an ad in the Sunday papers, that read something like this, although it was a big and well displayed piece of copy: "We are new in the home building business in this city, but old in experience. We want to know what the people of this city like in the shape of homes. For that purpose we are inaugurating herewith a contest that will bring us that information. We have $1,500 available that we are offering as prizes in this contest. Clip the coupon in the corner and mail it in, and we will send you the necessary blank plans on which you may draw your floor plan. 'We want each contestaht to take this blank, and draw therein their ideal floor plan':for a four, five, or six room home, one story high. With each plan we want a 500 word article giving any additional description of their ideal plan, telling why they favor this plan, explaining any details necessary, and making any suggestions with regard to construction, materials, details, etc., they rnay desire.
That was the outline. The prizes are ten in number, the first being $500, and they are to be awarded in the shape of CREDITS ON A HOME BUILT FOR THE CONTESTANT BY THE ADVERTISER.
Result ! When this report was received the returns were not all in, but this enterprising gentleman had in his office 166 such plans and letters. The coupon from the ad brought the contestant a very attractive little"kit" of equipment, including an attractive blank sheet on which to draw the floor plan, a sheet on which to write the description, an addressed, stamped envelope to carry them bafl$to the building concern, etc.
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(Continued on Page 42)
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