2 minute read
Colorful &r/r Wttlt PABGO SHINGTES
No longer are home builders content with old fash, ionedpainted shingle roofs. They are demanding bright, permanent PABCO SHINGLES.
Pabco Colochrome Shingles are made in nine tones in a variety of shapes. They cost less to lay,last longer and look better than wooden shingles.
Offer your customers PABCO SHINGLES, they will appreciate their utility and beauty-and here the trite but true adage applies-"4 $atisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement."
(Continued from Page 4O)
It didn't say what would happen AFTER the contest was decided. I
Now that advertiser has in his possessiori the names and addresses of 166 people who are interested. in a home, who have worked out plans for their ideal home, and have placed those plans on paper in drawing and in words. This, in itself, is a wonderful asset to any home building concern. He got a lot of marvelous information out of those plans, and those letters. He got home building suggestions so keen and attractive that he began immediately incorporating them into the houses he himself is building on the property. These folks suggested little things he had never thought of.
For instance, one lady suggested that tle electric light push buttons on the walls be plated with radium, so that they would be plainly visible in the ilark. How is that one? This was one of many.
When the contest is ended, the ten winners will receive certificates of credit which they may use in payment on any home they may buy from the advertiser, or have built by him. , He will build on their own plan, and in their own way. They can have their ideal home. And the remaining large number of unsuccessful contestants are a splendid list for his salesmen to work on. The salesmen will call, knowing in advance that they want a home, and exactly what home they want. It will be practically non-competi- tive business with any of this interesting list they sell.
It costs very little money, and will certainly p"y for itself many times over. t -.."
Our hats are off to this'enterPrising gehtleman. We believe he pulled the best campaign of the kind we ever' heard of.
cALLs "t1%T3l3rTS?r3"D HousE
At a meeting of the district sales managers-of the CreoDipt Compani, Inc., manufacturers of Creo-Dipt Stained Shingles, a new "re-beautifying" campaign was decided upon t5 help the lumber dealers of the country develop the repair and remodeling business in their communities.
2'With new buildin? showing unmistakable signs of leveling ofi," said Mr. E. p. tcenaall, Jr., President of CreoDipi "it behooves each lumberman to consider that 90 pei cent of the business possibilities of each community iomes in the old building field. New building requirements for the future in any one year will probably never exceed 10 per cent of the buildings now standing.
'tn many small towns, for example, only two to three new housei may be built in an entire year. On the other hand, in that same town there are hundreds of houses already up, and of these a very large percentage-need painting, re-roofing, interior changes, or repairing of some kind.
nThat is th1 big field for the lumber dealer to, develop, because it represents business that goes on year after year, whether new building is slow or active.
New Hayward Yard Opens
The new Hayward yard at Los Banos has been formally opened under the capable direction of manager W. H. Sloan. I[ is a modern plant in every respect, has a complete service department, and makes the seventeenth retail yard now being operated by the company.