1 minute read
ttCan Dott
Ah Hin ues a Chink from oacr the sea, Round and, brown as a Cldnh should be; Of English zaord,.r he had far too few, But he alzaays managed, to say, "Can Do!
Ah Hin zuas busy the whole day longPerhaps he belonged to the workers' tong, But whether hi,s tasks zaere old, or neza His inaariable rnotto was, "Can Do."
He played. and restetl, he uorked, the uthile, I'[/earing a ploeid, inscrutable smile. And, under skies that were dark or blue, He cheerfully gaae us a bland, "Can Do."
If he utere weary, no one cowld tell, Ozter hi.s face no shad,ozas fell; To his heathen heart our wa\s zaere flew But h'e tackted strange jobs witn a calm "Can Do."
Therd was nezler a frozun on his queer moon face, With quiet contentment he fi,lled hi,s place; The light in his oblique eyes shone true And it d.eepened and glowed, when he said,, "Can Do."
Ah Hin zaas a heathen? May be "so, But he taught rne a lesson, this I knozu; And faith and courage I oft reneai
When I thinb of his eagcr and brazte "Can Do."
-Adeline M. Conner.