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You Buy Service not Lumber
Back of good hardwood
lumber there must be ggod policies,the exercise of careful selection, and an experienced, properly equipped personnel.
Strable Hardwood Company includes these in every order. Full co-operation is our establishedrule.
We try to serve well by serving carefully.
Dietributorr of Oak Leaf Oak Floorins
Maple Flooring
Triple Sheath Building Paper
Wall Boerd Panels
(Continued from Page 44) citizens with the event, etc. In addition to the newspaper publicity the Waterfront Sash & Door Company, aggiessive firm that they are, sent out personal letters to all contractors, architects and retail sash and door dealers in the East Bay region, calling their attehtion to the test and asking that they make it a point to be present at their convenience, but particularly at the close of the test.

After such a drastic and tconvincing test "there is little wonder", says Lou 'Woodson, Manager of the Northern California office of the Wheeler, Osgood Company, "that the sale of Laminex doors has met with such unprecedented success." The Wheeler, Osgood Company offer a free ad-service that enables dealers to sell more doors and make more money, Dealers who welcome advertising and selling helps are offered a set of free newspaper electros and other materials with "directions for using".
A. A. (Bert) Dimmick, San Francisco wholesaler, was a visitor to the Northwest during the early part of the last month on company business matters. Included in his trip was a call at the Western White Cedar Co. of Marshfield, Oregon, which company he represents in the California market. During his absence W. H. Woods looked after the company's affairs in their San Francisco office.
W. F. Knox, the r,r'ell kf,own Sacramento retailer and manager of the Superior Lqmber & Fuel Co., is on a visit to Minnesota where he is looking over his old territory and visiting with many of his Minnesota lumber friends. Mr. Knox vras in the lumber business in Minnesota prior to his entering the lumber business in Sacramento. He will be away about three or four weeks.
A. J. Russell, Santa Fe'tumber Co., San Francisco, has returned from a week's business trip to Los Angeles and other Southern California districts, where he was looking over lumber market conditions and attending to company business matters. While in Los Angeles, he conferred with Bruce L. Burlingame, their Southern California representative.
Jerry Sullmn Chosen For San San Diego Snark
Mr. Jerry Sullivan, Jr., popular San Diego lumberman, and one of the heads of the Western Lumber Company and the Sullivan Hardwood Company, was chosen by the members as their recommendation for Vicegerent Snark, for the coming year.
Seattle, Wash., Sept. 24.-Feature pictures of high climbing as practiced in the Douglas fir woods were taken recently by T. D. ("Shorty") Randolph of New York. Topping a spar by chopping and by dynamite were photographed and Randolph caught a close-up of an eight-foot Douglas fir being felled. The pictures will be developed in New York and probably will be returned to the coast within ten days or two weeks.
J. B. Olson, who for the past six and one-half years has been in the advertising business, has joined the staff of The Industrial Service Co., Portland,'Publishers of Abbey's Register of Western Lumber Industry, The Western Lumber Register Quarterly and Abbey's Lumber Buyers' Charts.
Our Specialties
Vertical Grain Flooring
Vertical or Mixed Grain Finigh
Vertical Grain Stepping
Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory Stock
Vertical Grain Shop
AII mode trom the tinest of of soft texture, dried in strictly modern dry kilns
Mills: Raymond, Washington
Salca Ofice: Gacco Bldg., Portland, Orc.