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How Lumber Looks

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Retail and wholerale lumber conditionr, all through the rtate, continue, from all obrervationr and reportr. While telegrams from the northenr part of the rtate indicate a elight rlowing up in cargo movem€nt, yet the general conditions are better than did prerrail for sone time, and tte indutry is getting into itc rtride, for fdl and winter bruiners.

In the routhern part of t'he state the wholeaale men state they are enjoving a v€rlz fair cargo burine*, and that reil demandr are much better than they were, even two weekr ago. Prices are rteady and while there could be a further improveurent in thir direction, rtill thingr are better than they were.

Retailerr in Southern California have had a be$er tirne., rince the 6ret of September, and thir far into October, then they had at any time this year. Competitive conditionr have improved, in every center and ecpecially in Lor Angeler and the immediate vicinity. The small advance in wholerale pricee has benefited them, and the dernand for lunrber on the job har brougbt rmilea to many facer.

Cargo recdptr, into San Pedro, promfue light for Ocober. To the night of the 14th only fiftynillion feet, rotrnd numbcn, had been reported and with no great rurh predicted for tte last two weeks of the month.

Permitr are running fair, they will top Septeaber by a fair mergm.

Telegraphic reports, from San Fmncirco, on the 14tb, rtated:

DOUGLAS FtR(CARGO)-During the part week the Bay Dirtrict market har rlowed up a little, due to trhe retail demand f,eing off. There ir a large volurne of lumber arriving ilr San Francirco by cargo. Cargo arivalsinto San francirco during the month of Septemb€r w€re rlightty be low tte Ausust arriveb; 611238 M fect anived in September while t[e Arrgu* receiptr totaled 621510 M feet. Pricer to the trade have not shown weaknec.

Pricea at the millr are 6nn and on rome items a little rtronger than two weekr ago. Ar one large San Francisco retailer said: On cutting orders for specified delivety, you have to pay the mille real money!

RAIL.-The rail demand fu apotted.In a few cectio$ the market har been fairly active, while in the Bay Dirtrict and other sections the demand har been a little off during the past two weehr. Pricer to the trade remain about the sante. Rail shipments frorn the interior mitls of the state into San Francirco showed a consid€mble decreare in September; the September receipts into San Francirco were 6,750 M feet, while the Auguat receiptr totalled l'2r340 M feet.

CAUFORNIA WHITE AND SUGAR PINE.-ThG rnarket rhowc practically no change. A good volume of bwiner ir moving with prices remaining jurt about tte same. The millr are all working to capacity.

REDWOOD.-IIe redwood market har rbown inprovc. ment during the part ttree weekr. The demand for commonr continuer good with tbe market for uppere looking much better. The shingle market ic active: with the rupply at the mills low. No. 1or Clean are at a premium with the demand for No. 2 or Star A Starr very good. The shake market is also active. Pricer on all itens are finn.

September Redwood cargo arrivdr into San Francisco ahowed a dight increare over Aqgurt; The.September receiptr.were !6,!92 M feet, while fte Aqgrut arrivalr totdled 15,194 M feet.

The Wertern Coart Lumbernentr Arsocietion's last report ehowo a weektr cut of 112 million feet, ralec amounting to 1O3 million and rhipmentr of 12O rnillion

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