1 minute read
Modern methods employing mechanical equipment dispense with the haph ^iaid. Each itep in the forwaid movement of lum6er from the saw is timed to the next immediately following.Thus each grade or classification arrives at its allotted place "on schedule."
Q There is lhreefold advantage in such precision. It guarantees effectual handling -it maintains stock in prime conditionanditsustains moraleand spirit in plant organization. C[ Your inleresfinand benefit fromthese factors behind the scenes lies in their effect upon the product itself and how it reachesyou. Giveaworkman plenty todo and he does it better. Give him a standard or schedule to maintain and he will take pride in doing so. Let him know that his firm relieson him as an important cog in the whole machine-and he delivers his best.
Q That in brief is thespirit, form and objective of Pickering California White and Sugar Pine operations. The result is iumber productsof the best possible manufacture, backed by timber of Gold Medal quality. Mavwe guoteonyour nextrequire"
-e.,tr in Finish, Mouldings, wide Finish, Lap and Bungalow Siding?