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presiding ofiicer when the final session opened, Thursday morning.- It was at this session that resolutions were adopted, ofiiiers elected and the retiring Snark embalmed.
.' Besides adopting several resolutions pertaining to the internal affairs of the Order, this session adopted resolutions, given, in effect, as follows:
1.-Urging the reduction of the Corporation Income Tax so that it will not exceed 10 per cent.
2.-Encourag€ment of legislation tending to permit the growing of timber on private lands.
3.-Encouraging the building and loan idea where it encourages the construction of hbuses.
In the ceremony in which Snark of the LJniverse Hager was official and appropriately embalmed, Seer of the Hoilse of Ancients N. A. Gladding officiated. Brother Hager received the ring emblematic-of the office he held an? then surrendered the gavel to the new Snark, Brother Hood.
-The.picnic at Tnngview Farm, the magnificent estate of R. A. Long, at Lees Summit, Mo., 22 m-iles fronr Kan_ sas City,took place Thursday afternoon.The tar.m in itself was a veritable fairyland- and the prog!-anr furnisbeJ lf Mrs.. Louis Long Combs, daughter -of "Mr. Long and America's most celebrated horsewoman, was a .vorrierful treat. Besides, there was music and entertainntent i. the big show horse barn and a fine box lunch of chicken and cther delicacies. More than 600 attended this e\-ent.
'Ihe final event of thc remarkable program was a golf g_ame for all Hoo-Hoo, Friday afternoon, it the lllue Iiills Country Club.