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'u"fut: says ?ine l-ath" noEvery dealer should cffry CaliJornxa

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As e sAss for fine interior and exterior plaster walls California Pine Lath have exceptio nal adv anta'ges. Thev are used in .i.ry p"tt of the-country for these purpos'es'arrd are also in deriand for w6veir fencing, trellis, and shade frames in nurseries.

Sizet Regularlath aret/ inches inwidth, with a maximum variation of 'zi inch. The thicknessis zAinch,with a maximum variation of tft inch. Years of use have proved this size best. Wider and thinier lath are apt to buckle, while narrower and thicker lath are uneconomical to make of to use.

Lengths are 48 inches and 32inches. A thousand 48 inch lath will cover 640 square feet of wall, while a thousand 3iinch I athcover 425 squarefeet.

Grada There are two lath grades:

No. r, which is practically frec from defects which wbuld impair usefulness for the finest plaster *ork. Tvpical defects allow?d are, wane otiethird the thickness and one-third the width, for one-third the length on one side only, or its equivalent when not in combination with other serious defects. Pin knots, three or fout 9( inch knots, well set, firm and sound, and which do not weaken the Piece, are allowed, but are rarely founil, in a a8 inch lath, and a ProPortionatelY lLss number in 3z incfi laih. Other ailowable defects are minof.

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