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1900 builders tell whv. o common doors give trouble!
VOU will notice from The Saturday Eveninq r Post advertisement which is reproduced herE in miniature, rha-t we are publishing the facts about door rroubles.
Laminex doors are scienrificallv builr to make an end of all such dificulties. Laminex advertisins th erefor e, dnmat icallyrcv eals th e co nd i tio ns t h aT menace ordinary doors: and then explains why they cannot affect Laminex.
How adqtertising helps you
Every lumberman can develop.amatefial increase in his door business and quick^en the rurnover of his stocks by concentrating on nationally advertised lines like Laminex. Our advirtising monei forward in "Bie I eague'' fashion, appearing in national nagazines if far rcaching influenCe. Itleaches the gteit mass of American people. It is aimed ar your-customers in part icalar-contractors, home builders, home buyers.
It is an established fact in merchandising that advertised products sell more easily and more-quicklv than those-which are unknown. We have records oi c"r., where alert lumber dealers have rurned large stocks of Laminex doors on an averageof every sixt! days throughout theyear."
Progressive door iobbers in every section distribute Laminex doors, carryingadequate stocks in popular desig_ns; verical lrain stiles and -rails or all nat. srain Write for lame of your nearest jobber. Ger our "helplou-sell" plan. Send for sample of Laminex wood rb test. Sales o(hcesi New York, Chicago, Memphis, LosAngeles, San Francisco, Spokane. -Foreign: W"oco Door Co., London; E. J. Van de Ven, Paris; PauI Solari & Co., Genoa.
r.{E WHEELER, OSGOOD COMPANY Tacoma, Waahlnglea