1 minute read
Simonds Narrow Band Saw Blades are now joined by a new metfiod*1sy 619 "welded"and the metal is fused, not stuck by the usual brazing operation. This makes the bladeg stronger and cutg down the possibility of breakage over 50 per cent. The same high quality steel is the foundation of Simonds Band Saws.
Order from your dealer or from any Simonds Service Station.
Palterns maile of California Sugcir Pine, in the shops al Westwooil it is iust as up to date as any theater anywhere, and, of .or'rrr'., isattrictivelybuilt only of California Pine' --ivti.'t-".tghead is ilso the genius that guides the adver' tising activiti'es for the Red River l-ttmber Company, and is responsible for many of the "Paul Bunyan" yarns that have delighted readers throughout the country.
Busy, bustling, healthful, happy and contented is the fair little city of Westwood, nestling nearly a mile high in that wonderful California territory.
And there it will be, in the natural course of events, per-