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TTP to a lew years ago, it was the rare \-/ lumber dealer who distinguished in his own mind between one Lumber Organization and anothen

ThenWeyerhaeuser began to but into usorh" the progressive plans they had been shaping up lor some time.

The alert dealer took notice.

IntheWeyerhaeuser progressive moves he could see something pork, tng for him.

Belore many months had passed, he saw thatWeyerhaeuser not only rneant all they said-but were geared up ro make it all cont"e true.

And today you'll find it an accepted Iact with the go-ahead dealer, thar ro maheand use a permanent buying connection with Weyerhaeuser brings a PLus into his business.

Here are some of thethings that the Weyerhaeuser Plus gives the retailer:-



Concentrated buying and concentrated sellin& A call lrom a single Weyerhaeuser Representative brings you all the difrerent kinds of lumber you need to supply a large part oI your trade.

Filteen difrerent species of lumber-including Douglas Fir,W'estern Red Cedar, Pacific Coast Hemloclq Pondosa Pine and G erwiw White Pine.

X. The output oI IJ large mills-and 3 more '' building. 3 remanulacturing plants. Shipping lrom 20 large stocks.

4- 3 huge Distributing Plants, with 125,00O000leet oI lumber and 25,@,00O leet oI timbers always on hand. Shipping in 24 hours, iI necessary.

{. The finest stands ol timber in this country. ' Precisemanufacturing.Scientificseasoning, giving the user the maximum natural durability oI the species.

6 Carelul handling and loading to insure de- \" livery oL l0OTo saleable and usable stocks. FI . Sales making specialties that attract trade ' and rcpeat.

R g. TheWeyerhaeuserPermanentCustomerPlan, operated by Weyerhaeuser Representatives who take care oI their customers in season and out oI season. A most profitable arrangement for the dealer who makes use oI it

Quicker turnover on a smaller investment. v' Easy buying. Regular srrpplies of compact stocks. Fewer losses and less lumber thrown into the "boneyard."

There is not one single itemol the above thatdoes not constitute an advantage which you can pass along to yru? customers.

The right .msrue? to local competition.

CalluptheWeyerhaeuser Representative. Have him come in to see you.

Tteyerhaeuser Sales Company

'Distribators.. Veyerhaeuser Forest Products

Qmeral Ofccs.. SPOKANE, ICASHINGTON ^ .Brancb Oftces: Zdr"EDi, /rZlt$i\ MrNNEApous cHrcAGo /$€*=r*\ ffilfll+ to5 Plymouth Bldg. 2osSo.LaSallest. EEltl)E| Ri:p sr.PAUL PHTLADBLIHTa YdN!,r/ -*ry 256rFr.nkliaAve. l6ooArchstreet EW NEW'YORK BALTIMORX PORTSMOUTH 285 MadironAve. ar2 lcriasron Blds. Rhode Istmd


24Ol FitstNat. Bmk Blds. 13lt Secord Nat. Benk Btdg.

9Fc VcXcr!4cascr S2ps Coppanx istbe anbircd sclling otgeniution of tbc follouing Wcycth*us* Itlills and Disnibatiig Flants:

CEOl.o/ ofthewey- r. ernaeuaer policy oI giving immediate service are the 24-hour shipping echedules maintained at the J W'eyerhaeuser distributing plants. Plenty oI sea$ned lumber always ready for shipmena Equipment and facilities that make quick shipping poesible. Experienced men that take a personal interest in each order and each customer. The list oI 'Weyerhaeuser pennanent customers is constantly gowin$

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