1 minute read
5th and Brannan Streetr San Francirco
Telephone Sutter 1367
-'What My Trade Wants"
That's the excuse so many give when anything NEW or MODERN o,r IMPROVED is suggested-that it isn't what their trade wants.
How do you know?
How does your trade know what it wants?
Your trade wanls what is BEST-and it cannot know what IS best ifit sees only the old things.
Ben Franklin's neighbor in Philadelphia didn't "want" a Victrola, simply because he didn't know about it; but that neighbor's grandson KNOWS and BUYS.
Your trade can NOT "want" any certain style of house beyond the possibility of change when something BETTER is shown to them.
Your trade merely accepts what it sees around it.
To prove this, just put up ONE of the kind of HOMES you KNOW IS BEST-and see how quickly your trade will "want" that new kind.
"What my trade wants" is merely a mighty poor excuse to cover your own shortcomings in your business methods.