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Stanton Employees Frolic
Two hundred and fifty employees, and their families attended the annual picnic held by E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, at Brookside Park, Pasadena, the latter part of September.
It was a joyous alfair. They had all kinds of races, horseshoe games, and a battle royal baseball game, between the office force and the yard men. The former won, 19 to 17, and Roy Stanton was given much credit in the victory in- asmuch as he and Burt Beless held down the battery nositions.
The yard men put up a noble fight, but lost, in spite of the splendid pitching and catching by Holly, Rhine and Bill Leahy.
Hank Swafford was at bat once, made one hit, and brought in one run. And that's pretty close in a 1,000 percent average.
Wood Flour-Its Manufacture and Principal Use

Approximately twelve million pounds of wood floor is imported annually from Europe into the United States.
This is made from nothing more than sawdust, shavings and other mill waste which, in this country, is generally regarded as a liability and a fr.re hazard,. While American operators are spending money to dispose of this class of material, European lrrmber manufacturers are converting it into wood flour, exporting it to this country, paying duty and evidently selling it at a profit.
European wood flour is claimed to have certain advantages over the domestic product, butthevalidity of the claim is questionable, and increased experience ind care in the selection of rau' rnaterial orr the part of American manufacturers should result in a product in every rvay equal to that produced by foreign mills.
Wood, flour has been known and produced in this country for some time, but the production was limited to a very few companies, and little attention has been given it as a phase in the utilization of sawdust, shavings and other milling waste until recently sponsored .by the National Committee on Wood Utilization.
The uses of wood flour are numerolrs and diversified, ranging all the way from dolls to dynamite. Norv uses are constantly being developed and it promises to become an important product as well as profitable, economic solution for the clisposal of material that has heretofore been frowned tlpon.