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llr. Pepts Yard at Laguna Beach

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Down at I,aguna Beach, California, a beautiful little city on the ocean, just a few miles from Santa Ana, is a Modern Retail Building Material establishment that would do credit to rnany rhetropolitan centers.

It is owned and operated by Mr. Jos. R. Jahraus, a veteran at the game, and a hearty enthusiast on the Pep idea. - Recently we .wrote Mr. Jahraus, asking for a piiture of his yard, _and_ he obligingly ccimplied, atcompanying the plr-otograph with a very interesting description-of ihe main office building, how and why it wis planned in so unique a manner.

He says:

"Our idea in building this type of building is to conform with the landscape. Onr hilli run down to"the ocean and drop abruptly to a very rocky and rugged coast line, and we wanted to build something that would fit into these conditions.

"Our type of building is as near Norman as is possible to get with the materials we handle.

"You will notice we have used rock, brick, shingles one half timber, wood shingles, trying to imitaie a ihatched root. Another idea in building this type of building was that we-could incorporate man/differenf classes of *it.ri"t and still keep to the type. We have for instance four different kinds of roofs -on this building-we have the wood shingles in front-; on the side we havJthe composition ihin_ gles; on-part of the roof we have the built'up fel,t roof, and on the back we have the roll roofing. ff,!" gi".r- "; a1 opportunity.to show our-prospectiv6 customErs just -what each one of these kinds of materials look like in aciual practice. -

"On: the sides of the building each panel of stucco is carr,ied out with the difierent textrires, thus giving ttt;;rt";;, an idea of what his own building will look like, providing he uses any of these different finishes.

"We also have built two panels on the side of the building showing the use of Redwood Split Shakes when laid hori-zontally, giving the effect of distance, and the other laid vertically as is the common practice.

"You will also ncitice we have manv different stvles and thapeg of windows.We have lead6d glass, plaie glass, French,doors and the single sash with thi wooden bais on the fro.nt. Then in each panel on the sides we have placed sets of different styles or groupings of windows.- We have a pait oi Frenih doors i'r'ith'sid-e lights, then anothei pair containing stationary sash with casement windows on each- side, and on another panel we have the double hung windows.

"We findthis arrangement very satisfactory, as many peop_I9 who are building for the firsi time are noi altogethei familiar with the terms.used by the building material people and the architects, and in this way they lre able to pick out just the style of windows and doois they would ^like placed, in their homes.

"The interior of our building is all heavy timber work, the rafters hewn and rasped to give the appearance of age, also the rafters are 4 x 6 and 6 x 8 exposed. In between t-he rafters we have paneled off with battens.

"Afterthis work was completed inside, we sprayed the interior and exterior with a purple stain, which-has added to the aged appearance. This Color we have used on the interior has an added advantage of being a neutral color, allowing us to place materiais or merchaidise of any coloi in the building without causing color discord. It is also a vg.rl restful color to -the eye, absorbing the gla,re of the sunlight rather than reflecting it."

"Insurance Herald" Makes Its Appearance

The Insurance Herald, house organ of the Christie & Hobby interests, made itsinitial appearance on September 25th.

It is a publication devoted to the interests of the Security Union Insurance Company, the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Associatioq zind the American Lumber Industries, all companies controlled tiy Christie & Hobby, wth headquarters it Houston, where 'ihe It su.ance Heraid is published. r The paper is an attractive four-sheet journal, chuck full of inteieiting illustratioh.s and editorial!, all dealing with insurance matters, and of particular interest to lumbermen.

The company's offices are now in the Second National Bank Building, Houston, and copies of the Herald could be secured by addressing the company there.




Crockor Building

Phonc Suttcr 61?0


Lrnc Mottgagc Bld3.

Phonc TRinitt Z2t2




Adcquetc rtorrgc rtocl et Srn Pclro

California Redwood


The virtues of the Gerlinger I-umber Carriers have been extolled, by advertisement, for some time irt these columns, and here is a recent photograoh of one of the machines, in , use at the Union Lumber Company plant at Ft. Bragg

'Redwood operators are entnusrastic users of carriers. They carrv tremendous loads. are fast and economical of opeiation ind they do the work of a good many men.

This picture shows one of the hundreds of alleys at F't. Bragg, and also shows one of their lumber pilers in operatron.

Wood Stands Up

NEW ORLEANS, LA., Oct. lO.-According to the first reports from I. R. Putman and Leo Kraemer, who are in the Florida storm section for the Southern Pine Association, frame construction has demonstrated conclusively its abilitv to withstand terriffic strains without rupture, and wooden shingles are universally acknowledged as superior roofs.

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