4 minute read
Reduce rour Aceidents
The Hoo-Hoo fraternity of California will be pleased to hear of the appointment of Fred Roth, the retiring Vicegerent Snark of the San Francisco Bay District, to the position of State Counsellor.
Since his association with Hoo-Hoo, Mr. Roth has taken an active interest in the affairs of the Order and has beeh an untiring worker in the interests ofHoo-Hoo. He has ser,ved in the Bay District Nine and during the past year was Vicegerent Snark. As a reward for his excellent work, he received the unanimous endorsement of the San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club recommending his appointment as State Counsellor.
Mr. Roth is associated withJ. H. McCallum, the well known San Francisco retail lumber dealer, and has been connected with this organization for nearly eight years. He is the General Manager of this lumber concern. He is a member of the Olympic Club of San Francisco, the Elks, an officer in the Masonic Blue Lodge and a member of the Knight Templar Drill Corps.
Firrt, by I direct reduction in ratcr applicablc at oucc thru thc appliancc and inrtellation of nfcty grrerdr to thc phyrical conditiorr of thc plent; ruch tr .rwr, knivce, fccd rollr, ehrfting bcltr, pullcyr, g.rrr, rprockctr, friction drivcr, clcvatot gltct, and by thc inrtellrtion of rafcty bulletin boardr, eefcty orgrnizetionr, ctc. Thir ervingr ir rrrdc by thc application of thc rchedule ratin3 rnodificrtion and ir only allowed in plentr thet havc machincry, end do nanufacturing.
Sccond, by thc epplicrtion of thc expcricncc rrting plen, bercd on thc cort of your own accidcntr applicd egainrt thc prcrniurn peid. Thc lovcr thc accidcnt cort, thc lowcr your rrtc. end thc higher tLc accident cort, the highcr your rate will clinb.
Third, by enployerr rcducing thcir eccideat cortr. The barc or manual rater will be rcduced thcrebn afiecting a rcduction in ydur premium .end afracting a reduction in the bate or manual rater of all employerr cngaged in eimilar opcrationt.
Fred Holmes Andhis Four Horsemen
The above illustration is a very good picture of Fred Holmes and the Four Horsemen of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. From left to right they are Al Quarnheim, in charge of their shipping department at the mill; Bill Hamilton, Los Angeles representative; Lloyd Harris, San Francisco Bay representative; Fred Holmes, sales manager, and Harvey Isenhower, Sacramento Valley representative.
When Fred Holmes handed this photograph to our representative, he said it was not for publication, but after gazing on these five splendid looking and husky gentlemen, we just couldn't resist the temptation. The picture was taken at the company's plant at Eureka, where the sales force had a conference with some of their mill representatives.
Perfectly Balanced Construction and Guaranteed ! t)\Rll 7-P[Y
oqca.us 4r &
Three perfect units-f4ce, cole and bach. The face and bach each of thrde ply Veneerr th9
, coreof,nar,row strips.scientific- ,,," ally slued with waterproof glue set under hydraulic presEUre..
In this you have tfie perfectly balanced door for exterior or interior guaranteed against all defects common to 3or 5 ply f,ush doorg.
Let us supply you witfr full in' formation and attractive pricer on tfiese doore.
Owners and Operatorc of Saw MiIIs and Veneer Plants m Luzon, P. I.
U. S, Headqtrcrters, Manufacturing Plnts arul Yarils
3628 Miner Ave. Lor Angeler, Calif.
Phone ANgelu 3287
The Dill Lumber Company started operations in Banning, on October 1st. This newly organized company which is incorporated under the name of Dill Lumber Company, consists of Fred Dill, president; Roy L. Sandefur, vice-president and general manager; Hayward W. Dill, secretary; Chas. F. Dill, treasurer. Mr. Fred Dill for many years has been connected with the Hayward Lumber Co., as one of its directors, but now retired from active business. At the present time he is spending a few months in the East. Roy L. Sandefur has been the manager of the Hayward Lumber Co. in San Bernardino for the past ten years and con. nected with the company fifteen years and is resigning to take up his new duties as vice-president and general m,anager. Hayward W. Dill has been wigh.ghe City. of LCng Beach as inspector and chemist for the past three years, and previous to that has had experience,in the retgil lumber business. Charles F. Dill, until iust recently was connected with the Wm. Wilson Hardwood Co., as a salesman.

The Dill Lumber Co. has purchased a piece of land on the highway, just.east of the San Gorgonio Inn,'in Banni4g and will start building at once and expect to be ready foi business before the fiist of November. Havward W: Dill will be the local manager for the rBbnning,yird'. Mr. Sandefur will-look aftdr the starting of the 'nannigg yard until the company acquires other connections.
Mr. Howard Hubbard, who has been the assistant manager in San Bernardino for the past year and a half, will be the new manager in San Bdrnardino,for the Hay,ward Lumber Company,
New Type''Locomotive
The Willamette Iron & Steel Works is now featuring a locornotive in 50-ton size, making it possible for Western loggers to obtain thersmaller model for steep grade sections and enjoy the same advantages of western design and manufacture which have distinguished the performance of the larger 7o-ton Willamette during the past several years.
The first 50-ton model was delivered to the East Side Logging Co. at Keasy, Oregon, September 12th.
,This new locomotive is equipped with super-heater, lliston type val.ves, carbon steel gears, cast steel trucks, ancl girder frame.
Weekly rteancr rcrvice from Columbia River and Pugct Sound to California Portr. REYNIER
San Francisen,ll2 Market St. Portland, Northwestern Bank Bldg. E. de Rcynicr H. B. Gamcrrton