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How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir Cargo. The market has shown practically The lumber movement during the week ending Sep-
LOS ANGELES, CAL, OCTOBER 15, 1928 Advcrtiaing Ratce on Applicatior no change in prices during the past two weeks. Clears, tember 29 continued at the high level recorded for the both vertical and slash grain, and vertical grain flooring are great portion of the year, wirh sales of 86o leading 'nills very stnong. Cargo receipts at San Pedro for the month of septenrber totaled gor52lrggg fet. cargo anivals at amounting to 412'',20'000 feet as compafed with 405'san Francisco arnounted to 5lr777ro0o feet.- Thitty-four 729'ooo feet for 392 rnills the week before' according to boats are laid up with four operating off shore. tinsold the rqrort of the National Lumber Manufacturers Associastocks at San Pedro showed a decrease during the past two tion under date of October 5. weeks. Although the California demand continues rather The total softrood movement for the first,37 weefts of light, prices are being firmly maintained at the mills. lg2grthe report shows: production, L1r7g4r4r5 M. feet; Douglas Fii Rail. Prices are firm on all items. Cutting Shipments, itr4SlrZtO M. feet; Orders, 11^11261112 M.. prices af,e stronger. No. 2 vqtiaal grain flooring is scarce 1ee;. with prices very strong. Mixed car orders are Etill hard to buy. hh. *itl","po't that Middle vest businesc is coming in strong at advanced prices' - .. <f /. r ments, Lrlo4rl5oM. feet; Orders, 5J};4JL5 M. leet.^ Shingles continue scarce with prices firm. lful.rnch r.t ! r . ^1 . | -/'---"
Forthemillsof theCaliforniaVhiteandSugarPine lltn pffCes naVe $fengtneneq. a^-_-.r-.Lr- _ -L- _-_^- t^^ -Lt- ^_-:^t -r h I Redwood. The mills are loaded with common cutting Association, the report for this ptfiod shows: Productiont ordens. East€nr buying is more active. The us'al seasonJ I'o14t8OO M' feet; Shipments' 1'061'801 M' feet; Orders' fall business in California is up to expectations, so the l'038'o2l M' feet' manufacturers, outlook is encouraging. 'Cargo arrivals at H9"" ge the figures for the Southern Pine Association San Francisco for the month of 5"plmbef, -amounted to for the frtst 37 weeks of the year: ?roductionr 2168,61378 22,665,000 feet. Cargo arivals at dan Pedro totald, 14,- #: i:::: Shipments, 2,911,88t M' feet; Ordets' 2'976'419 tteffi:Hi[ttt"il,"tti,L r"". There is a good de- The total hardwood movement for the ftust t7 weeks mand for both uppef,s and commond, and prices -" *-.- of 1928 are as follows: Ptoduction, lr9t9r954 M; feet; Shipmentsr 2,O34rl4O M. feai Orderg,r 2r072r@7 M. fert.
Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, will leave San Francisco October 19 to attend the Conference of State Secretaries on October 23, and the annual convention of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association. on October 24 to 26.
Bob Osgood of Wheeler, Osgood Company, Los AngeAnnouncement has been made by A. C. Long, Jr., gen- les, is spending his vacation in Mexico City, and exPe_cts eral sales manager of the Great Southern Lumber Co., t_o be gone about three weeks. He is accompanied by MrsBogalusa, Louisiana, that effective October 1_they_took Osgood. onJr the sales of the Southern Redwood Co. and the Finkbine Lumber Co. The Southern Redwood Co., a new colPoration organized at Bogalusa, Louisiana, recently_took gv-e-r all the pioperties of the Finkbine-Guild Lumber Co. in California ind-in the South. C. E. Klumb, who has been associated with the Finkbine Lumber Co. for the past twenty years and for the past two ye.ars has been sales manager of theit interests, will be assistant sales manager of the Southern Lumber Company in charge of redwood sales.
F. A. Wilson, President of Wilson Bros. & Company, San Francisco, recently spent a week in Los Angeles on business.
Tat Ntcholson Changes Offtce Quarters
Tat Nicholsoh, in charge of advertising and publicity for the Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los Angetes, has moved his office to the firm's former location at 3216 So. Main St., which will make it more convenient for him to handle the selling of that property.
Servicing Tiie Souteland
16() rnillion feet of lurnber stocks
Supplementing the 6O million feet of lumber always in stock at Hammond distributing yards, are regular rail and water shipments en route from Hammond mills in Washington, Oregon and Northern Cali' fornia; an immediate and continuous supply service on W'estern forest products.

Dealers find the Hammond organization geared to handle unusual demands for all grades of Douglas Fir, Redwood, Hemlock, Spruce, Pine and Cedar, for Hammond affiliations provide an elastic service that is definite in supply and shipment. And the same degree of service is available on Hard' woods, for Hammond stocks include 5O varieties of domestic and imported woods in 150 grades and l9O sizes.
In aIIo a lumber service that embraces quality stocks and ready shipments.