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making the Garage a part of the picture with Doug[as Fi.r Garage Doors
Thc letters Im on Doug' las Fir Doors mtd,e by member nills of this Association will pro' uide otchitects, dealerc, builders and users with an alutays avail' oble gwrantee of qrnlity. h means that comqetent ir,,sfcctors have insPccted thc manufacturc a'nd grating of the produit ber. ing thLs trade mar\, and thdt such doors conform to the st4n' &,rd gtades adopted by members of the Association.
Qopy of the Sundard Grcding Rules and Specifications for Dougb Fir Garcge Doors sent on tequest.
The strength and durability of age'old Douglas Fir Lum' ber is built into every Door manufactured by members of the Western Door Manufacturers' Association. These doors of Douglas Fir made in modern plants by modern ma' chines and skilled craftsmen, outlast the house itself.
In all kinds of weather and under all conditions, Garage Doors of Douglas Fir can be depended upon. They will not warp, sag or swell.
The beauty and variety offered in these Garage Doors will fit in with any architectural scheme or remodeling plar.r. And their wide distribution makes it easy for you to get the door your customer wants.
All Garage Doors of Douglas Fir, manufactured by mem' bers of the Western Door Manufacturers' Association are Grade Marked, and bear the Trade Mark WDMA.