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Hf Sash Door and Mill Workers
Office Building Trimmed New Benbow Hotel in Black Walnut in Redwood Empire
Bringing the'utmost in modern comfort to the ,,Sportsmen's Paradise"-Humboldt County-the Hotel Benbow, situated on the famous Redwood Highway, was recently completed.
In connection with the hotel is a nine hole golf course and facilities for horseback riding, swimmihg, boating,
An idea of the richness and elegance of black walnut when adapted to the interior of high class offices or residences, can be gained from the above illustration. The paneling, pilaster and doors shown in this illustration were recently furnished by the Frank Graves Sash, Door and Mill Co. on a large building in Los Angeles.
The Tilden Lumber & Mill Company of Oakland, which recently sold seven of its lumber yards to the Diamond Match Company, have announced the sale of four more yards.
IThree yards, at Alvarado, Irvington and Newark, were sold to the Hansen Lumber Company of Centerville. The Milpitas yard has been bought by Erwin Crabb, yard manager.
Oakland Planing Mill Damaged
Fire damaged the Progressive Planing Mill, Oakland, to the extent of $20.000, September 24.
d-ancing, etc. Deer, bear and other wild game abound in the surrounding country.
Symbolic of the giant Redwoods which form the setting for the new hotel, Redwood is used throughout the build-ing for beams, pillars, panels, railings, trim and for other purposes, lending a soft and natural atmosphere.
The Benbow Resort is located 200 miles north of San Francisco at the confluence of the east and south forks of the Eel river and is surrounded on two sides by a beautiful lake.
Edgar W. Pack, buyer for the Hammond Lumber Company in the northwest, recently spent a few days in Los Angeles.