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Bay District Hoo Hoo Picnic
More than four hundred lumbermen with their families and friends attended the annual San Francisco Bay District lumbermen's picnic, held under Hoo lfoo auspices at I(endall Dell, near Mountain View, on Sunday, September 30.
The majority of the crowd were on hand in good time, and the gathering sat down to luncheon about 12:30 under the b'eautiful shade trees in the picnic grounds. Coffee was furnished by the committee, and ice cream was provided by the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.
After luncheon the tables and benches were cleared away, and a start was made on the athletic and field events, which were under the direction of Fay D. Bowman of the Y.M. C.A., and an able assistant.
The judges of all the events were J. Walter Kelly, Bob Grant and A. C. Horner. Joe Cuneo acted as starter, and Garnet Fraser was official announcer. Larue'Woodson was in charge of prizes.
5O Yard Dash-Men: lst F. Mulcahy, 2nd M. Judnick, 3rd Roy Dunton.
50 Yard Dash-Ladies: lst Grace Roche, 2nd Orpha Adams, 3rd Janice Roche.
Sack Race-Boys: lst Bobby Horner, 2nd B. De Vaney, 3rd Weldon Smith.
Sack Race-Girls: lst Betty Frank, 2nd .Barbara lforsman, 3rd Dorothy Morris.
Rolling Pin Contest-Ladies: 1st Miss Cahalan, 2nd Miss Colgate, 3rd Mrs. Smith.
Balloon Blowing Contest-Boys: 1st Walter Kalvelage, 2nd Bobby Horner, 3rd Chas. Dullea.
Football Forward Pass-Boys under 12: Reg Smith.
Football Forward Pass-Over 12: Bob Neylan.
Bean Guessing Contest: lst Les M. Ivey, 2nd lReg Matthews, 3rd Mrs. J. Walter Kelly, 4th Mrs. Kurt Taylor, 5th Kurt Taylor, 6th Ray Jacobs.
Gate Prizes:1st Bob Horner, $10;2nd Mrs. J. E. Fraser, $5; 3rd Mrs. Holmstrum, $5.
The ludges. Left to rightA. C. Horner, J. l,l/alter Kelly, R. S. Grant.
Intense interest was shown in the ladies' nail driving contest, in which there was keen competition, and while every event was followed with great interest, one of .the mosi popular was that in which prizes were awarded to the forir bldest ladies present. The ages of the four winners totaled 319 years.
Following the completion of the athletic and field events several daniing contests were held, and dancing continued antil 7:3O p.m.
IGreat ciedit is due to the general committee for their fine organization work in arranging the picnic, -and special mentio-n should be made of the following members of this committee: G. W. Fraser, chairman, L. J. (Larue) Woodson, Oscar Johnson, Clyde Speer, H. S. Morton and Carl R. Moore.
Following are various events: the names of the prize winners in the
Four prizes were given to the oldest ladies pres,ent. These were won by Mrs. Depew, lst, 81 years; Mrs. C. PHansen, 2nd 80 years, and Mrs. Porterfield and Mrs. Betty Wright, 3rd and 4th 79 years each.
Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Hold Concatenation
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo held a concatenation at the Commercial Club, Los Angeles, on Saturday evening, September D. A large crowd sat down to dinner at 7:0O P.M. During the dinner hour there were several song and dance numbers given by Young Barney and Lucienna. A lour piece jazz orchestra under the leadership of Larry Anderson furnished music. B. W. Byrns, Vicegerent Snark of the Los Angeles District, acted as master of ceremonies. . The following Kittens were initiated: D. N. Falk, Redwood Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles; Charles Osbeck, Geil Lumber Co., Compton; J. P. Talkington, E. J.. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, and John L. Truyens, "The California Lumber Merchant", Los Angeles.
Vicegerent Snark B. W. Byrne, together with the following, comprised the Nine: Senior Hoo Hoo, Leo Rosenberg; Junior Hoo Hoo, Clint Laughlin ; Bojum, Don Philips; Scrivenoter, J. E. Martin; Custocatian, Mel Coe; Jabberrvock, Gene DeArmond; Arcanoper, Cliff Estes.
Circle Rope Jump, Girls: lst Betty Elliot. 3rd Helen Woodson. Frank, 2nd Lucille A. C. HOfnef
Circle Rope Jump, Boys: lst W. Smith, Znd C. Dullea, 3rd R. Smith.
Pass The Lemon: Mrs- R. Leas.
25 Yards, Little Tots (Under 6 years): lst Barbara Kelly, 2nd Ethel Hencken, 3rd Bessie Lee.
25 Yards-Girls under 8 years: 1st Dorothy Horner, 2nd Bobbie Mae Lindsay, 3rd June Woodson.
25 Yards-Boys under 8 years: 1st Bobby Frates, 2nd Hugh Salomon, 3rd Martin Kalvelage.
25 Yards-Boys under 10 years: 1st Douglas Alexander, 2nd Bobby Tietjen, 3rd Gerard Kalvelage.
Ladies' Nail Driving Contest: lst Mrs. Fogel, 2nd Mrs. J. Walter Kelly, 3rd Mrs. Frank, 4th Mrs. J. E. Fraser.
50 Yard Dash-Girls under 12: lst Bernice Smith, 2nd Ruth Johnson, 3rd Angela Kalvelage.
50 Yard Dash-Boys under 12: lst B. De Vaney, 2nd Bob Horner,3rd Reg Smith.
San Francisco Hoo Hoo
"The Growing Trend In The Lumber Industry Towards Becoming Nationally-Minded", was the subject of a talk given by A. C. Horner, manag'er of the Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, at the regular luncheon meeting of the San Francisco lfoo Hoo Club, held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, September 27.
President J. E. (Ted) Higgins presided, and Al. Stockton, A. L. Stockton Lumber Co. was chairman of the day.
Miss Letty Collins, contralto, described by Oscar Johnson as the Nightingale of the Southern Pacific, sang two solos for which she was heartily applauded.
Russell Gheen, chairman of the committee in eharge of arrangements for the golf tournament, invited all the members to take part in the tournament.