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if you thinL mechanical piling ie only for yard: crampcd for space. The Hilke Lumber Piler efrects big economier in any yard, cutting piling cortr in tomc caeee to leec thcn half, depending on the rizc and length of lumber, etc.
Hilke Piler
(Pat'd. in U. S. ud Cuada) quickly payc for iteelf in the eavingr it bringr about in labor, in shortened haul, re. duced upleep of alleyr, ravingr in pile baree and roofing boarde, etc.
It will pay you to rnodernize your yard. Let ur send you particularr.
lf-- r r tr Murry Jac0Ds u0.
528 Firet Ave. So. - Seattle Prtl".d Su Frmcieco
Lc Angeler New Orlqc
Manufactured by Johnso Mfg. Co. Sattle, W'a!h.
Umpqua Mills and Timber Co. Open Portland Sales Office
E. A. (Ed) Blank, formerly of the Eagle Lumber Company, and C. H. Wheeler, will have charge of the new sales department which the Umpqua Mills & Timber Company are opening at 283 Stark Street, Portland, their headquarters for several years.
The firm with J. O. Elrod, President and R. L. Wells, Vice President, have their plant at Reedsport, Oregon, which has an annual one-shift capacity of over 45,m0;000 feet. The company also owns one and one-half billion feet of timber, mostly Douglas fir with a scattering of red cedar, and Sitka spruce, all tributary to the lJmpqua river, on which the mill is located, offering ideal logging conditions.
The Umpqua Mills & Timber Company's well equipped mijl, specializes on rough and surfaced heavy cutfing; shipments can be made by rail over the Southern Pacific Railway or by water over their docks on vessels plying in the coastwise traoe.
They are represented in Southern California by Dimmick & Speyer, Los Angeles wholesalers.
There Is A Reason
Why the largert millc are in. stalling our IMPROVED .A,IR COOLED REFUSE BURNERS.
WE ARE ^ABLE to care for your require ments for air cooled and brick lined refure burnerrnew and ured boilerr of all sizes and types.
SEATTLE BOILER WORI$ Scattlc, llfarh.