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Y;:' Sash Door and Mill Workers
L. A. Branch Simonds Saw & Steel Co. in New Quarters
it necessary to move into larger quarters, and this concern is now located in their new modern plant at 400 East Third Street, I-os Angeles.
The business of the Simonds Saw and Steel Co. is the manufacture and sale of saws, knives, files, steel and sim_ ilar products. In the early part of 1927, the company ac_ quired the Abrasive Compiny of philadeiphia, which ii one of the largest grinding wheel factories in the world.
.At the Los Angeles Branch, they carry a complete stock o.f .Simonds prod_ucts and abrasive-grinding wheils used in this .territo_r_y,. -also they have a modern iervice shop for repairing all kinds of saws and knives, and the -"nufa"- ture- of special goods for immediate delivery.
The Simonds Saw and Steel Co. maintain the only Fac- tory Branch in their line in Los Angeles.
Charlie Mapel, Secretary of the Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los Angeles, is making his semi-annual trip to the various sections of the country, and expects to be 6ack in Los Angeles about the middle of November.
Due to the rapid expansion of their business in the Los Angeles District, the Simonds Satv and Steel Co. found