3 minute read
Electric Hand Saw
The saw you tal<e to the lumber instead of the lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for all class€s of wotk where a Port' able hand saw crlr be used.
Operates ftom ordinary light socket. Weight 10 ro 26 lbs.
The.lOJb. saw ideal fot cutting veneer.
VIhy not investigate the many places you can us€ a SKILSAW in your business?
Syntron motodess electrio hott'tners for con' crete drilling and chipping. Fot erecting machin' ery and remodeling jobs.
Electric Dritls All Sizes
Tools Sold - Rented - Repaired
308 East Third Street MUtuaI 7508 Los Angeles
to Be Hired
For Sale
Modern Lumber, Hardrvare ancl Building Material business. Newly established. In growing community. On State Highway near San Diego. Fine opportunity for live lumber merchant. Address Box C-223. Care California Lumber Merchant.
Young Lady Experienced In Lumber Wants Connection
Young lady wants place with local lumber or dealer in building materials. Seven years' local experience. Excellent stenographer, good knowledge of book-keeping, able to handle traffic work by rail or cargo. Address Box C-Zfr, care California Lumber Merchant.
Middle aged man with 14 years' experience as Manager of retail yard in this state wants position with retail concern. Now employed in wholesale end. Go anywhere any time. J. O. Harris, Sloat. California.
Of The Califoraia Lumbcr Mcrchatrt, publishcd Scmi-noathly rt Iar Angeles, Cal., fm Sept. 29, 192& State of €alifornia I 6-"iti'ot-r,ii'.f,i'celcs. l t"' --Elloii nl. i lVotar'v I'ubtic in aad for thc 9tatc and couaty rforc' said, pcrsonally appeared J. p. Martin, whp, lavrgs leen duly swom accordins to law, dcDoscE and taya that hc iE thc uanggrnS rgcltot of The edifornia'Lumber Merchant, and that thc follgwing is, to .tFe be3t of his knowledce and belief, a true stetemcnt oI the owlershrp' mmagemint (and if -a daily papdr, thc circtlatign), etc., of thc aforc' said oublication for the datc shown in thc abovc captigtl' rc{ulrc(l bv th! Act of Aucust A, 1912. cmbodied in scction 411' Pgstal kws aid Reculations. oiinted o! the rcvcrlc oI this forn, to xit:
1. fhat tbc -nimes and addresses of thc publighc!, editor, malsgitl5 cditor. and busincss managcrs are: Publishcr' J.,C' Dionne' 3lE-Central bid;:.'i;; A;scLE Ediio-r, J. C' Dionne, 3!8-C€ntla-l- Bldg.' Los {a' gclcli Mmagin-g Editor, J.'8. Martin, 318 Central Bldg.' Los Aageles, Cal,: Busincss Managcr' None' -
2. TUat thc own-er'is: (If owncd by a corporation,-its namc and address must bc stated aud also immediately thcreundcr thc namca aad addrcsscs of ctockholderr owning or holding onc Der ccnt- or morc of total emount of stock. If not owtrcd by e corporatigr, thc -lameE and addrcsscs of the individual owncrs must bc givcn. If os-ncd-,by a 6rm. companv. or other unincorporatcd cmcern, its namc and address' as ricll ai th-&e of cech individual member, must bc given.)
J. C, Dionnc, 318 Ceatral Bldg., Los Angcles, Cal.
5. tnat thc' known boadholdcre, morlgagccr, and other rccurity holders owning or holding I Dcr ccnt or morc of totel amount o-f b-o-ndt. mortca(es. or othcr sccurities are: (If therc are nonc' ao statc') No!e.
4.- Thal the two DaragraDbl acxt abovc, giyinS thc names of tlc ownirs. gtockbolders,'and- ricurity holderg,- iI ani, coatain not only the lisi of stockholderr and securitv holders as thcy appcat upqn thc bootr of thc compaay but also, in cascc $bere thc rtocLholdcr ot security bolder apbeaic upor thc books of thc company a! trurtc. or in any othcr frduciary ielation, the name of thc Derlon or oolpora. tion for whom such truitce is acting, is given; also that thc laid ttq oaracmohs co[tain statements embracing-affiaht'r full Lnotlcdgp gnd beliel ai to the circumstances and conditlons undcr which stockholdcrr and security hotderg who do not appear upon the books of tbe compent as trustccs. hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a U"n-i fidc oincr: and this afiiant has no reasoh to believe that any othcr oerson. association. or corporation has any interest direct or indilect in ini said stock. bo;ds. or 6ther securities'than as so stated bv him.,
5. Tbat thc averigc number of copies of each issuc oI this pub[1 cation sold or distributed, through the mails or othcfvise' !o psi! subscribers dq4ng.tlre sk.months Oqecqdi.ag thc ,datc sbowo abovc ia :...:.-....... (rhis- information is required i:-m^t4i"l*lH$gr
Sworn to and subscribecl before me this 29th dav of Sept.' l9A. TSEAL] FREDA R. PAULSON. (My commission cxpires Aug. 18, 1930.)
UILDERS of homes more and more are putting permanence as well as bea.rty and convenience in the modern dwelling. They know the higher re-sale value of a home in which we[[ seasoned, properly manufactured lumber has been used. * t< * It is that sales advantage which Long-Bell trade-marked lumber offers the user, and which is, as well, a sales advantage for the retail lumberman who stocks these trademarked products.
The Long,Bell Lumber Company

R. A. Long Bldg. Kansae City, Mo. Ltmbermen since 787 5
Douglae Fir Lumber, Timbers, Door and Window Frames, Trimpak; West ern Hemlock Lumber; Western Red Cedar Siding and Shingles; Southem Pine Lumber and Timbers; Southern flardwood Lumber and Timbets: Oak Flooting,*CELLizedOak Flooring Strips, *CELLized Oak Floor Planks, *CELL. izcd Oak FIoor Blocks; Califomia White Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors, Box Shooks; Creosoted Lumber, Tim. bers, Poets, Poleo, Tiee, Guard-Rail Posts, Piling.