2 minute read
the enters into concfete eon$tnrction
The type of construction here quickly discloses to the experienced briilder.why Victor Quality and Victor Strength are essential. While the load carried is not heavy, the design of such a bridge necessitates a much higher than ordinary factor of strength to withstand the long-leverage srrains of heavy gales; even slight deterioration due to the elements; sideswiping below of any individual support.
Victor Portland Cement has the quality and the strength to withstand. the excessive strains which peculiar types of construction involve. It is generally preferred where these factors are essertial.
Not That Good
The two colored preachers met on the street and were exchanging ideas, information, etc., in true modern method fashion.
"An, how is collekshuns at you'chu'ch, brothe' Jackson?" asked one.
"Well suh," said the other confidentially, "Ah have seen 'em wuss dan dey is, an' an the othe' hand, Ah confesses we ain't nevuh had to stop in the middle of the colleckshun an'go empty the box."
Why We Should Have Art Museums
Most men mistake being alive, for living.
The most of what we hear, we fail to understand.
We labor, that we may gorge ourselves, and sleep with' the kitchen cat and stable dog.
A community is as rich as its understanding of the use of riches.
We grieve for the few in the asylums for the mad, and heed not the wanton waste of sound minds.
A great city is a prison house unless it provides something for the leisure hours.
The busiest city on earth is fast asleep unless it is doing something towards the higher education of its people.
Work should be a means of leisure in which to enjoy the sublime creations of science, literature, music, and art.
No city is great unless it rests the eye, feeds the intellect, and leads its people out of the bondage of the commonplace.
Hospitals do much; they make sick men well. Art does more' it makes
Toledo Art Museum.
More Than Double Entry
Business Man to Applicant: "Do you understand double entry bookheeping?"
Applicant: "Yes, sir. And at my last place I did triple entry. A set for the active partner, showing the real profits; a set for the silent partner, showing small profits; and a set for the income tax officials, showing no profit."

He was going to be all that a mottal should be, Tomorrow.
No one should be kinder or braver than he, Tomorrow.
A friend who was troubled and wearn he knew, Who'd be glad of a lift and who needed it, too, On him he would call, and see what he could do, Tomorrow.
Each morning he stacked up the letters he'd write Tomorrow.
And thought of the folks he would fill with delight Tomorroqr.
It was too bad, indeed, he was busy today, And hadnit a minute to stop on his way, More time he would have to give others, he'd say, Tomorronr.
?he greatest of workers this man would have been The world would have known him, had he ever seen, Tomorrow.
But the fact is he died and he faded from view, And all that he left here when living was through, Was a mountain of things he intended to do Tomorrow.
-Edward Guest.
I try to have no plans the failure of which would greatly annoy me. Half the unhappiness in the world is due to the failure of plans which were never reasonablg and often impossible.-Ed Howe.
Where Indeed
Customer: Are these eggs fresh?
Grocer: Yes, sir. A man just brought them in from the country.
Customer: What country?