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I Harry Vincent Wins Low Gross Pfize at San Francisco Lumbermen's Tournament
The second San Francisco Lumbermen's Golf Tourna- starter and scorekeeper in the last two tournaments. ment, sponsored by the Douglas Fir Club, was held at the The prizes were fhen presented as follows: Low Gross Presidio Golf Club, San Francisco, October 5, and provided t prize, a silver water pitcher, Harry Vincent. keen enjoyment for all those who took part. First lorv net prize in elass A, a musical silver shaker, The first foursome got under way at 1 p.-., and play was / was won by Louis C. Stewart, and second, a silver ice bowl, completed by 5:30 p.m. by F. L. Dettman.
W. M. (Bill Beebe) again acted as handicapper, starter "/ First low net in class B, a pair of candlesticks, presentecl and scorejr. Bill hasn't played any golf for about three by the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, was years now, but threatens to come out of his retirement in awarded to G. R. Bleecker, after he and A. C. Horner, time to complete in the next tournament.
Diirner was served in vthe club house at 7 p.m. Russell Gheen was toastmaster, handling the job , awarded second prize, a smoker's set had tied for first place, "Bleeck" making a 32 foot putt at the last hole. Roy E. Hills won third prize in this class, a Redwood Candy Box, presented by The Pacific Lumber Co. in fine shape and keeping everybody h"ppy.
First low net in Class C, a bedside clock, was won by Norman Vincent. Eddie Peggs won the second prize, a cigar lighter,'and J. Walter Kelly won third prize, a box of golf balls.
It is interesting to note that the candlesticks won by G. R. Bleecker were made from long leaf timbers removed from the White House when it was being remodeled recently. These timbers were originally built into the executive mansion as roof supports during the residence of President James Madison in 1815, being removed in perfect condition in 1927, after lI2 years of service, during the residence of 26 presidents of the United States.
Among those who responded to the chairman's invitation to give short talks were the following: F. A. Warner, Coos Bay Lumber Co.; A. C. Horner, National Lumber Manufacturers' Association; Harry Vincent, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; Frank O'Connor, Donovan Lumber Co.; Hugh Handley, R. C. Jones and C. S. Tripler, Van ArsdaleHarris Lumber Co.; R. F. Hamilton, The Pacific Lumber 9o.i |-. J. (Larue) Woodson, Wheeler Osgood Co., and M. L. (Duke) Euphrat, Wendling-Nathan Co.
A vote of thanks was passed to the golf tournament committee, whose good work made the affair such a success. The toastmaster made Darticular mention of the names of Eddie Peggs, who acted as secretary; Hugh Handley, chairman of the prize committee, and Bert Johnson and Eddie Tietjen, dinner committee.
Before proceeding with the presentation of the prizes, Russell Gheen presented Bill Beebe with a beautiful imoker's set in consideration of the fine service he has given as
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Concat at the Commercial Club September 29, proved to be quite an expense for Messrs. Gibson and Preston of the La Brea Materials Company, Los Angeles. These men arrived at the Concat, each wearing a new fall hat, (not brown derbies) but at the finale; in place of the new chapeaux, there were a couple of. L925 models, thereby causing the unfortunates to go home bareheaded. These two promoters would like to hear from the gentlemen rvho unintentionally got the wrong skypreces.
Those who took part in the tournament were, F. A. Warner, Norman Vincent, Harry Vincent, L. C. Stewart, R. E. Hills, M. L. Euphrat, F. L. Dettman, J. A. Chase, R. C. Jones, F. J. O'Connor, Hugh Handley, Russell Gheen, C. S. Tripler, J. H. Holmes, C. A. Cahalan, L. W. Macdonald, G. R. Bleecker, A. M. Lofgren, A. C. Horner, L. J. (Larue) Woodson, J. E. Peggs, J. Walter Kelly, James L. Hall and R. F. Hamilton.
James P. Jennings, chairman of the United States intercoastal lumber conference, died suddenly in San Francisco, September 25. He was born in Chicago 43 years ago.
L, R. Wells, General Manager of the lJmpqua Mills & Timber Company, Portland, recentl-y spent several days in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and was favorably impressed with the conditions in California.

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