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Mleans Satisfaction and Sudden Serviee
We ship no ttmavericktt stock. Our lumber and shingles come from mills of known sIze and and reliability whose products are of acknowledged quality.
.Our sources of supply are large, varied, and dependable.
Many of the biggest and best known retail concerns in California have been more than twenty years. our continuous customers for
-/California Panel & Veneer Co. West Coast Officials Confer Have Exhibit at Air Races With California Lumbermen
Chester Hogue and F. A. Nelson, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, met at Los Angeles on.Tuesday, -september 25, f.or a conference with the executive committee of the Lumber Dealers Association of Los Angeles and a committee representing the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to endeavor to work out a plan with the manufacturers that will insure shipment and sale by the mills selling in this market of common lumber, strictly on grade, and abandon completely the method of shipping and selling of mixed grades. The committee representing the state association included: President, Paul Hallingby; Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Fraser; A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle; George Bentley, Glendale; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier, and E. Steffenson, Secretary, Orange County Lumbermen's Club.
While in Southern California, Messers Hogue and Nelson had a conference with the Los Angeles wholesalers, and visited with the heads of the jobbing vards at Los Angeles Harbor.
On September 28, representatives of the lumber trade of San Francisco, Oakland, Sacramento ar.rd Stockton, had a conference rvith Mr. Hogue and Mr. Nelson at San Francisco.