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A. D. MacDonald and ff. F. Peterson Calling on Trade
One of the most attractive booths at the recent National Air Races rvas that of the California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles. The booth was L2 by 24 feet. The sides were made of highly finished hardwood panels set in ornamental embossed mouldings displaying twelve different kinds of woods and finishes. The'display included various wing sections, leading edges, tail surfaces and other parts of airplanes showing how plywood is used in aircraft construction. There was also a display of the different specimens of plywood ranging f.rom I/32 to r/e ol an inch. The fuselage which is shown in the background is the regular Lockheed fuselage constructed of wrapped plywood. "Roddy" Mulholland was in charge of the booth.
A. D. MacDonald and H. F. Peterson, H. V. Cowan Inc., Iaos_ Angeles, are calling on the trade and assisting the dealer salesmen in presenting their Standardized Built-in Cabinets to contractbrs and Suilders throughout the state. Mr. MacDonald is covering Northern California while Mr. Peterson will look after the Southern California territory.
The Yost-Linn Lumber & Finance Company, Los Angeles, hav_e taken over the interests of the Betts-Koenig Lumber Company, at 6545 Washington Blvd. Mr. Betts remains as the Culver City representalive, while Mr. Koenig retires.