2 minute read
O"er 44 Million messages
fttlS fall-now-the National Lumber Manufacturers Assor ciation in behalf of 2OO of America's greatest and best sawmill companies and L7 great Afrliated Associations is broadcasting the real truth about lumber to the 13O,OOO,0OO people of the United States and Canada, through the largest, most impressive list of. magazines ever used by the lumber industry. 70 publications will carry the advertisements. Over 44,0OO,OOO messages:ia dominating space-will blanket the eotire country!
|])EAD these stiring lumber news messages in the great popular and I\ professional periodicals. A million families will see the wonderful lumber home modernization drama-movie-"The Transformation"-an American Farm Bureau production. Write for free bookings. This fail campaign will cover every possible field where Lumber in any tonn is used or should be used. Without question it will be the most convincing publicity effort yet undertakeri by the Lumber Industry. Every conceivable user of wood will be reached-architect, engineer, contractor, builder, shipper, manufacturer, farmer, mill owner, business man, home purchaser-all of them will be reading each month, fu their favorite magazines, convincing advertisements on why they should use lumber. The
Tbese 17 great manufacturers' associations maintain service organizations that coordinate with the general consultant's service of the national stafr: peopleyou sell will be told aboutthe splendid National Lumber Consultants Service and how it will help them . special booklets about every phase of lumber and its uses will be given free 200 of the chief lumber manufacturers will cooperate with you and your customers-to your lasting profit.
Califomia Rcdwood A$ociation, San Franciro, Calif.-Rcdwood.
Califmia Whitc ud Sugar Pine Asciation, San Frmcirco, Calif.-Califomia Pines, Wbitc Fir. Hardwood Mslrfactud Inltitutc, Mophir, To.-Oak, Gm, Southcm and Appalacilrian Hudwoodr.
Ncth Caroliua Pinc Auociatio, Norfoll, Va.
-North Carolina Pinc.
Nctbm Hemlck & Hudwood Meaufecturcn Auociatio, Orhtob, Wic.-HcmlocL, Maple, Bircb md Nqtbcn Hudwoodr.
Northm Pine Mmufactren Aaaociatim. Min. ncapolia, Minn,-Whitc Pinc, Nomay Fine. Soutbm Pinc Asciation. New Orleaar. La.IangLcafmC Short l*af Southem Yellow Pine.
Southcm Cyprar Mmufacturerr Auociatioa, Jackmville, Fla.-Cypmr and Tupclo.
W6t C@rt Lmbcrmca'r Auciatim, Scattlc, Warh.-Douglar Fir, Watcnr Pinc Manufecture$ Asrociatim. Port- lmd, Orc.-Pmdora Pine, Idaho Whitc Pine. Lrch.
Natimal-American Wbolaalc Lubcr Ascia- tio, Neq YorL City.
Natimal A$cietim of Woodm llo: Manufac- tuo, Chicago, Ill.
Bdgirh Col"-bia Loggc Auciation, vmcouv6, B. C.
Britirh Col 'nbia Lmbcr md Shingte Mmufac- tum. Ltd., Vancouvd, B. C.-Douglar Fir. Maple Flociug Muufactrrm Armiatio. Chicago, fll.
Hiclory Golf Sheft Areociatio, Mcnphir, Tm.
Amaico Wood Prercrven' Auociatim, Cbicago, fl|.
Read the opposite page see for yourself and know all about the great list of magazines that are carryingyour message to Lumber users. Get behind this campaign by advertising American Standard Lumber right in your own community write us for free advertising copy. Get bookings for "The Transformation"home modernizing movie-dramaand inform yourself about the Farm-Home plan contest. Talk about lumber think about tumber . . . sell lumber . . reap the profits that belong to you! For centuries Lumber has given livelihood to millions of people.. it still does. You gain all or part of your livelihood from Lumber . back this big campaign ofyours to the limit.