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Pine Association Form Home Modernizing Bureau to Fact-Finding Bureaube Formed in San Francisco
Formation of a "Fact-Finding Bureau", based on a plan oresented bv H. D. IVlortenson, Pelican Bay Lumber Co', klamath Fill., Ote., rvas the outstanding feature of the meeting of members and directors of the California White and Sugar Pine lVlanufacturers' Association, held at Klamath Falls, Ore., September 2l and 22.
Discussion of this plan for cooperation between the pine producing groups on the Pacific Coast was participated in 6lr a numbir of directors of the Western Pine Manufactirers' Association who rvere present by special invitation.
Mr. Mortenson's plan for the Pine Fact-Finding Bureau 'included the formati,on of a ioint committee of the Western :Pine Manufacturers' Associition, the California White and $ugar Pine Manufacturers'Association and the Arizona and 'New Mexico Manufacturers'Association, and the granting to this committee power to collect and combine all association statistics collected by the various associations in a com.posite sheet to be presented for study, in order that the best statistical plan might be universally adopted. The plan also provides for a semi-annual executive committee meeting and a big annual meeting.
It was decided to instruct the grading rules committee to ,begin immediately consideration of moisture content specifications for California pine products, and to report fully -to the next meeting of the association to be held on Friday, ,October 19, in the offices of the association.
Recommendation of a National Architectural Competi-tion for l9D to the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association was approved. This action was based on the -theory that people are primarily interested in homes rather -than lumber, and that the National association can best stimulate the use of wood within the residential building ,field, and should therefore concentrate its consumer adver-tising on that field.
J. M. White, Long-Bell Lumber Co., \Meed, president of -the association, presided at both sessions.
W. C. Anderson, Albany Door Company, Albany, Ore. gon, was a iecent visitor to San Francisco.
Decision was made to form a San Francisco Home Modernizing Bureau at a meeting of the general committee held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, October 1. This decision was made in accordance with the recommendation of the.executive committee. Pledges of $100 by various interested groups were given toward a fund for preliminary organization expenses of $1000, and the employment of Colonel Boyden for organization work was approved.
A. C. Horner, manager of the Western Division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, acted as chairman of the meeting, and introduced S. G. Malone, field representative of the National Home Modernizing Bureau, of Chicago, who told of the work being done in other cities and of actual results accomplished, stating that San Francisco had been selected as one of sev'enteen cities throughout the country, on which the direct efforts of the National Home Modernizing Bureau will be concentrated. He also showed samples of advertisements furnished by his Bureau to local Bureaus.
Mr. Horner read an editorial on Home Modernizing, by Jack Dionne, from the October 1 issue of the CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT.
Those present representing lumber and allied industries included: C. Storvell Smith, California White and Sugar Pine Association; A. C. Horner and Mrs. M. Bradshaw, National Lumber \fanufacturers' Associations; Mrs. J. E. Fraser, California Retail Lumbermen's Association; Rbbert Cameron, Marin County Lumb,ermen's Association; Frank E. Cox and I. L. Walker, Built-In Fixture Co., and J. E. Neighbor, Oakland Modernizers.
G. L. Bartells, manager of Pacific Coast Plywood Mfrs., Inc., Seattle, visited Los Angeles and San Francisco on his rvay back from a month's trip to Middle West territory which took him as far East as Chicago.
While in San Franeisco Mr. Bartells conferred with L. J. (Larue) 'Woodson, Northern California representative 6f the company.