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Great Barrage of National Lumber Advertising
National Lumber Manufacturers Association Announces Greatest Three Months Advertising Campaign in the History of Lumber-Dealers' Intirests Consulted-Periodicals Used Have Circulation of 13,000,000.
Washington, D. C., Sept. 24.-The most extensive national advertising campaign in the history of the lumber rndustry is now in full swing under the direction of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association.
Thirty-six.trade, professional and industrial publications concerned with industry or construction have been carry- ing appropriate full page advertisements for seven monttis.
Thirty- farm journals resumed publication of page ads with their October issues, following three montis -ot aavertising in the same periodicals last spring.
_ Beginning with the October 6th issue oi the Saturday
Evening Polt full .lrvening Post full pages will appear over a period of three months, in the Post, Literary Digest, National Geographic. ry Time and Nation's Business. These pages will bJso-distributedjlmong these magazines that one will appear every week. The dates are:
National General Magazines
Saturday Evening Post-Oct. 6-Nov. 3-Dec. l-Dec. D-Ian. 19.
Literary Digest-Oct. 2F-Nov. ll-Dec. 15.
National Geographic-Nov.-Dec.-Tan.
Bureau Federation, and leaflets will be distributed to each audience giving- particulars of the contest. The $2,300 rn prlzes are to be paid in the form of an order on a local lumber dealer for lumber and lumber-made gooas- ihi winning plans will later be published and diitributed to millions of farmers. Wide awake local lumber d""t"rr, es- pecially in farming communities, will see here opportunlty for local advertising and sales promotion. prac_ trcalry, every tarmer in America will be advised of ,,The 'I'ransformation" and the contest through the National Lumber Manufacturers Association,s adiertising in tfrC farm plpers a1d through the publicity of the American Farm Bureau Federation.
Takes News Form
The national advertising copy is in news-interest form. It tells of some of the greit buiiding and engineering feats performed with lumber, emphasizes ilrodernizition ofiomes and stirs interest in new lumber-built homes. The copy varies with each issue but through it all runs the theme'of great staffs of lumber experts the National and the regional and allied lumber associations have built up.
Time-Oct. 13-Nov. S-Nov- 26_r].ee
Time-Oct. I ov. S-Nov. 26-Dec. l-1Ian. 7.
Nation's Business-Oct.-Nov.
This tremendous advertising to the public is being car ried to the lumber trade throulh doubli-page color sfreads in The California Lumber M&chant a"a 25 other lumber trad-e papers, bringing the total list of publications up to 97, ttThe Transformation"
The lumber trade will be further reminded of the vigorous adv-ertising campaign in its interests by mean, 6f " broadside that will soon be mailed to every iumber dealer in the country.
Simulta.ne.o.usly with the appearance of the advertising the remarkable home modernization moving picture drami -"The Trarisformalles"-"yill take the roid^,, in 25 prints. This picture relates to a farm home but will appeal io ,rry aud.ience. It_ is expected that lumber dealeij will urge 'heir county farm agents to arrange for bookings in the"ir counties. Bookings can also be irranged by iriting di- rjctly to the National Lumber Manufactureri Associa-tion, Transportation Building, Washington, D. C.
This fascinating picture concintrat-es the interest it arous-es directly to the door of the local lumber dealer. People are-urged to consult him. It is the best piece of graphic publicity lumber dealers have ever had.
Farm Home Contest
In addition, a "trailer" to the film announces a farm home plan contest under the auspices of the American Farm
National Lumber Consultants
This expert service, available f.rom 25 offices well dis- tributed over the country,. has already won many notable victories for lumber and is putting lumber utiliiation on an efficient and scientific pline. The service is available for lumber dealers who need clir-rching arguments and well-informed advice when competing ag:ainst- other build- ing materials. When desirable in-esf,ecially important cases, a lumber consultant will be personiily availabie. The national advertising will arouse the interest of lumber users in the service. The service is armed with a growinp librarv of publications that assist the lumber deiler to"get fo'r lumber every job it is legitimately entitled to. Tho-usands of dealers are now usjng them daily for selling ammunition. The Booklet-"l0o Lumber Coniultants,,if the service will be supplied to dealers who desire to circularize their big-buyer..trade,- especially careful and discriminating buyers who like to have "reasons whv."
Future AdverlisinE lfhe present advertisjng campaign wiil be followed by another, along entirely different linei, which will be launched next winter, following the exhaustive study the J. Walter Th-ompson Company is now making of the distribirtion and publicity problems of the lumber tiade. Other campaisns will follow steadily for the next four years in confoimaice with a -long-time program that is planned to bring about a complete renovation and modernilation of lumbei manufacture and distribution.