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casino, which is said to be more richly fitted than the worldfamous gambling casinos at Monte earlo and Deauville.
Tiring of the game one may quench a thirst at a beau- tiful bar, replica of the famous -St. Francis Hotel Bar in San Francisco.'
The huge beams and ceiling panels, decorated with hand painted scrolls and figures, are entirely of California Redwood.
This same scheme is carried out also in the hotel proper and in the alluring cafe, redwood being used to lend'an air of luxury and distinction.
Ernest Johnson Vistts Caltfornia
Ernest E. Johnson, sales manager of the C. D. Johnson f,,umber Co., Portland, Ore., spenia few days in San Francisco and-Los_Angeles recently on his *ay io Texas. After E"yi"S the Southwest Mr. johnson wiil visit St. Louis, Chicago, New York and other eastern cities, returning to Portland in about a month.
_ Appointment of Sehvyn J. Sharp as statistician for the California Redwood Association ii announced bv R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the association.
Mr. Sharp is not a stranger to California, having majored in Forestry at the Univerlity of California. He-comts to his new work with the splendid record of seven years' services as statistician for the Western Pine Manufaiturer3' Association, Portland, Ore.
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