1 minute read
Comnander Byrdts radio communication depends upon Bur' gess Batteries, protected by PAUL BUNYAN'S SUGAR PINE.
Maximum dependability under extreme climatic conditions and rough handling.
Vhat is the best material, regardless of cost?
Sugar Pine.
Ffow can we gd it on time?
Paul Bunyan Says
"If we run into any mountains or ice-bergs the Commander cantt fly over, I'll take Babe, my blue ox, and drag them to one side.tt
The Red River LunL co' Augugt 29' lg28' I 360 North Michigan Ave., Chicago. Atteatioo Mr. H. V. Scott
Gendemen: you will be intererred to know that your sugar Pine 'rvac ured by ur in nroking battery boxer for Comnander B-yrd'r .drrdarctic Expcdition
1;t. d- batteriel are to be urcd for the power nrpply of five rmall radio tt --itt"."'in plenee, olr dog eleds and-at bacec and intermediate ctatiolr.e. A ii"ftt *a"ft bud vet'y'rtrottg 6o* material waa therefore n663.rry.- Becaure of Jlii.ia--"* condiiio6r a-lumber that would not werP, twict or chrink wao re cufued. The low temperature demanded good thermal ind'ation' '--iL" f"rJ pfi,icr Leboratorier sugge*ed the qre of Sugar Pine, which ru" h""" found to be rplendidly workable and well euited to out^ putpg9ec '-- -V; """ g.a to li""e found a material with lhese. PnfPertier and.we ap' otoi"i" "o* -.oop"1atio11 in hurrying it to ur, rc that the rhipmeat of batterier could teave with ihe e:gedition on rcheduled time'
Tndc Mertr
Very truly yount BURGESS BATTERY COMPANY, (Signed) By V. B. SCHULTB' Secretary.
"Proilucers of White Pine for Over HaIf a Cenlury;'