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Hoo Hoo News
Thirty-Seventh Hoo Hoo
At the thirty-seventh annual Hoo FIoo convention held at the Statler Hotel, Boston, Mass., on September 26, 27 and 28, Melvin M. Riner, Riner Lumber Co., Kansas City, was elected Snark of the lJniverse for the ensuing year, succeeding James M. Brown of Spokane, Washington. The remainder of the new Supreme Nine is as follows: Seirior Hoo Hoo-Gaines D. Whitsitt, Amarillo, Tex.; Junior Hoo Hoo-A. C. Dixon, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore.; Bojum-Franklin A. Hofheins, Weatherbest Stained too late to be awarded at the meeting. A resolution was passed increasing the Hoo Hoo dues from five to six dollars a year to be effective September 9, 1929.
Boyd Comstock Talks on Football
Boyd Comstock, Head Coach, Los Angeles Athletic Club, was the speaker of the day .at the luncheon of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club, held at the Commbrcial Club, Thursday, October 4. His subject was "Staleness in Football." The meeting lvas largely attended and Mr. Comstock's talk rvas greatly enjoyed.
President Harry V. Hanson presided over the business session of the meeting. He appointed Max Landram, Coos Bay Lumber Co., chiirman of the golf committee for the coming year. Mr. Landram announced that another tournament would be held at an early date.
President llanson has announced that during the football season he rvill have several football experts address the club-this is good news to the football fans as this subject is o[ great interest to members.
East Bay Hoo Hoo Club
G. B. Hegardt, Port Manager of the Port of Oakland, rvas the speaker at the regular monthly dinner meeting of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club held at the Athens Athletic Club. Oakland. October 8.
Chos. G. Bird
Shingle Co., Buffalo, N. Y.; Scrivenoter-Charles L. Schwartz, C. L. Schwartz Lumber Co., Naperville, Ill.; Jabberr,vock-Herbert L. West, West Lumber Co., Atlanta, Ga.; Custocatian-Charles G. Bird, Stockton Lumber Co., Stockton, Cal.; Arcanoper-Adelard Beaudette, Montreal, Que.; Gurdon-W. G. Smith, Lyman-Hawkins Lumber Co., Columbus, Ohio
The first official acts of the new Snark of the Universe were the reappointment of Parson Simpkin as chaplain of the order, and the appointment of a finance committee consisting of Harry T. Kendall, Kansas City, Missouri, Alton J. Hager, Lansing, Michigan, and Franklin A. Hofheins, Buffalo, New York.
The Kansas City Hoo Hoo Club was awarded the Hoo Hoo Cup. A beautiful, illustrated book submitted by the Westwood Hoo Hoo Club, Westr'r'ood, California, arrived
President H. S. Morton presided, and there rvas an attendance of 50 members.
Mr. Hegardt in his talk told the story of the development of the great Oakland Airport, which he said now ranks as the finest in the. United States, and according to the development plans outlined try the ppeaker, it seems certain that ranking will be maintained.
After routine business was completed, Mitchell Landis, manager of the Walnut Grove yard of the Noah Adams Lumber Co., sang trvo songs, accompanied by Secretary Carl Moore.
Cl.arence Coleman, known to radio listeners as Professor Herman Schnitzel, followed with his inimitable line of entertainment, after which the meeting adjourned.
1.'. A. Warner, Vice President of the Coos Bay Lumber Company, San Francisco, recently spent a ferv days in Los Angeles.
We cater to the small yard-----
And the smallcr dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our quick shipment of anything and evcrything for thc building tradc by car or truck makcs it porsible for the small dcelcr to give tip-top gervice to hir trede, end yet keep down hir invcstmcnt, his insureocc and his ovcrhcad.