1 minute read
Pcoplc are rcad1 to buy-they are buying now-they are going to buy in incrcasing numbers and volume throughout this fall and winter. ln every city, town and farming community throughout the West there arc literally hundreds of home own€rs who are rcady jor seroofing or roof repairing right NOW.
Therc is plenty o[ business ]or evety dealer, no matter what his location, but the alert, aggressive dealer will get the lion's share. People are gtill proud ol their homes, and the United Stateg Government has spent millions ol dollarc impressing them with the desirability, cven necessity, of keeping them in sound condition, of making them look smart and new.
These home owners are not going to dsk another winter, and they are going to buy quality products. They know that a few dollars more rpent now will save them many dollarg in the luture. They may not reroof again for 15 or 90 years.
The first step in securing your slrare, or more than your rhare, of thig businegg is to stock up at oncc with a full line of Pioneer-Flintkote
Asphalt Shingles, Roll Rooftngs, Asphalt Emulsions, Building and Insulating Papers and other materials. Home ownerc in the \(/est know
Pioneer-Flintkote products are quality productsthat they give greategt dollar for dollar value.
They know that 47 yearr of scientific r€search and experiment, actua I expefience and constant development stand behind the Pioneer-Flintkote name.
They know that Pioneer-Flintkote roolg are gmart fooking, beautiful, fire-retardant and give 15 to 25 years of trouble-free, dependable seryice. Your sale ig over half made when you feature the entire Pioneer-Flintkote line and recommend it.
Thr Ploneer-Fllnlkole Flnonce Plcn, In coop.rotlon with tha Natlonal Hou!Ing Acl, moke ll po$lblc for cvcry home owner lo hove .t now PlonecrFllntkotc roof, or do ncc*rc:y rcpcln. Lock ol roody corh lr no hondlcop. Thc plcn b slmplc, ftsed of oll "redtcpr."lt lr o provcd tuccerr, ond ll mcklng cxtro rolcr ond profili for Plonrer-Fllnfkotc dcclerr every' where. lf you ore not fomSllcr with ll, wdle orwlrc our nooFal off,co lodqy.
The Pioneer-Flintkote Company does more than supply you with quallty products at attractive prices and discountg. Our consistent consumer advertising, prompt sevace, exclusive designs, specialty items and real sales building dealer cooperation do everything but actually make the gale for you. ll you are not already a Pioneer-Flintkote dealer, write or wire at once for complete information.